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starting in fast lane

  1. S

    30-year old entrepreneur kicking off their fastlane journey

    Why I'm starting this thread During my 30th birthday holiday, I finished the Millionaire Fastlane book 2 weeks ago and since then have been "eavesdropping" in the forum. As many before me, I am using this platform to share my process since I struggle with accountability and consistency (a habit...
  2. N

    Are Recruitment Agencies and Fragrance Houses Fast Lane Businesses

    Hello, Was wondering what your thoughts on both business are when it comes to them becoming a fast lane business. I previously started a business that failed (online retail business, on a mix of bought, dropshipping models. A mix of marketing costs, high debt, not enough profit margin, Covid...
  3. christianb

    Is it the right way⁉️

    Hi to all, here Christian 28 from Italy. First post, after reading both TMF and Unscripted. Brief introduction of mine: 1. Back in February i worked like a PT in a commercial gym: Good salary, my passion and not so much work (from 5 to 7 hours/day). Every day in the free time studied...
  4. Tomas J

    Various "problems" starting a profitable business

    Hi there, I would like to share some problems that I am currently facing while trying to start a profitable "Fastlane" business. To clarify my current situation, I have an idea about my own business, but I am still not really working on it. Motivation/Discipline Although I was a professional...
  5. R

    New Humble Future Millionaire

    Hi Everyone, I am very excited to be here and learn while changing my life! Grateful to be here.
  6. M

    Is there a need to prototype? How? Is there well-worn/standard path?

    I have a lot of product ideas. That is a good problem to have. The one I suspect will be most profitable is for a change to part of the common equipment used by the military, search and rescue, and sometimes civilian enthusiasts. It is a combination of products that, together, fulfill a need so...
  7. W

    The Fastlane menber

    Hi guys, My name is Stephane WATAT. I am currently reading the book "THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE". I devour every page of the book because I find it very interesting and opens more and more eyes to each page. I am fighting for my financial freedom since DECEMBER 2016. I have not yet touched...
  8. Murilo Ruy

    Are you successful?

    If you are, can you give me some tips? At this moment I’m stuck with the “wantrepreneur” title: lots of ideas, some of them seems to be profitable, but little or no action at all. So, my first question is: how did you get started? Was it cold calling? Cold e-mail? Friends, family and fools...
  9. S

    I admit it... Im an action-faking wantrepreneur (Aus)

    Ive been lurking a bit, getting a feel for the forum - and i’m absolutely blown away by the sheer amount of value shared by the community. Ive decided to become a part of the fastlane community and with that, its time for me to write an intro. A brief backstory A combination of poor life...
  10. Stevie Drive

    DONE Is Better Than Perfect (The '7 Out of 10' Rule)

    Alright, let me ask you a question. How many times have you beaten yourself up because you think your effort wasn't good enough? Many times? Well you're not alone. I did a talk about this in front of a business class I was invited to speak before and I can assure you sooo many people suffer...
  11. Perry

    Niche product and marketing network

    Hi, power minds! About a year ago I started a video production studio for hairdressing industry, We record and edit videos featuring the best hair artist from Europe, then the videos are translated into 5 languages giving us reach of 34 countries. All the videos will be available from our...
  12. floatingfeather

    Linda (Chinese) from Sydney

    My name is Linda, and I have an interesting life. I am 47, lived first 24 years in Beijing China (finished two bachelors degrees) there. And about another 24 years in Sydney. After I did a master degree in accounting in Sydney, I became an accountant that I was not passionate about, I was...