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ray dalio

  1. C

    Is sh!t going to hit the fan?

    This is a question regarding Ray “bear” Dalio’s economic outlook and what you would do in my position. If you haven’t heard of Ray Dalio, he was the founder of the most successful hedge fund in history, Bridgewater associates, and just released a book titled “Principles for the changing world...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    Ray Dalio's Changing World Order... Thoughts?

    About 1/3rd of the way through this book, but I'm losing interest in it as it seems like a lot of minutia, but not nothing actionable yet. Thus far it is quite an interesting historical account, but I'm not hearing any evidence...
  3. TonyStark

    Ray Dalio Thread

    I haven't had time to study his books too much, but this article seems to give a comprehensive guide to his thinking: Self-Made Billionaire: There Are Three Levels Of Reality, And Most People Are Stuck In Level One…
  4. ChrisV

    Billionaire Ray Dalio: Meditation is ‘the single most important reason' for my success

    Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio: Meditation is ‘the single most important reason' for my success While that's a lofty, seemingly hyperbolic claim... he's right. If you'd like the science behind why, I would be happy to provide it. It changes the brain in way that improves certain skills...
  5. MJ DeMarco

    Principles by Ray Dalio (Animated Summary)

    Reviewed and approved by myself for Unscripted relevance! Discusses a lot of Unscripted concepts, from problem solving, to process, to grinding through tough troubles (follow your passion is no where to be found!) to the strong need to be right, versus finding the truth.