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  1. A

    Looking for a fastlaner that is looking for a fastlaner (yep, that’s right)

    Hey Fastlaners, I’m an entrepreneur who made the leap to the US six years ago. With 12 years of business ownership under my belt (including a couple of ventures back home), I embarked on this American journey. Full disclosure: I didn’t arrive with a meticulously crafted plan. It was more like a...
  2. adnanazmi

    Partnerships? How to have a frictionless Partnership.

    I have been researching some videos on how to create a great partnership. So far my best source has been Alex Hormozi. Here are some of the key points I have compiled from his advice: To create a great business partnership, consider the following points: 1. Ensure each partner brings unique...
  3. mazzonleonardo

    Business partner lies for 3 months on corporate money he spent

    Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm glad to be able to see other people who have taken up the fast lane and are helping each other to walk it the best way possible. I am making this post to ask for advice from people who have been in the game for years about a situation I am in right now...
  4. G

    Asymmetric Returns - How to Get Them

    This article has great examples of asymmetric returns that ANYONE can take advantage of. Reading this changed my thinking:
  5. bandyman

    how to negotiate stake for partnership where only one partner is a native English speaker

    I have a business development opportunity with a former student of mine which I would like advice on. This student, Tom, who is Chinese, is a very energetic and capable entrepreneur and in the 10 years since he completed his diploma has built one of the leading digital media consultancies to the...
  6. E

    Professional Engagement with other Partners

    Hi all, For initial contact with an Amazon or Oracle Partner or whatever partner, what would be a professionally worded email requesting to use their services and team to fulfil projects for me for a fixed monthly fee, i.e become their partner myself/work for me? Thank you :)
  7. Dabhorse

    International customer service

    What to do and where to go when transferring business to another country?
  8. Ksalazar

    Blue Collar Millionaire Progression

    My name is Kendrick Salazar I haven't been on this forum in quite some time but still am a big fan of this forum love hustlers and the shared love for the grind. Background I went to school for engineering and computer science then dropped out because I just couldnt stop dreading the idea of...
  9. GoGetter24

    Question on partnerships & buy outs

    I've been bouncing around ideas for a new business partnership, but there's a few things I'm still having difficulty working out. I'm aiming to structure a very comprehensive and well thought out partnership agreement to minimize the chances of failure. [before anyone asks, yes corp. has been...
  10. LunchMoney

    How to not get screwed in signing an LLC.

    I truly hope this was placed in the right category, and if not, I'm sure it may be moved. So, one day a few weeks ago a partner and I probe into a local market, take a poll with a local community, and we come up with the fantastic idea of opening a 24/7 gym near my house. Me, an avid gym-goer...
  11. tiagosoares17.22

    Preparation To Approach Retailers & Wholesalers

    [Some Context] We are in the wine business for the last 10 years. We have been selling wine locally with some success but we are now looking for foreign markets. Our goal is to sell our wine in a specific country, far away from where I am from. [The Challanges] I am travelling to that country...
  12. mgrowan

    Looking for advice on Entreprise Sales & Channel Partnerships

    Hi All I know a handful of startups that have gotten upwards of $100K from a large enterprise to build a product that they would need, but also allow the startup to sell it elsewhere and make a business from it. I've been pushed by a high-profile investor to do the same where the product I have...
  13. M

    Investor ready for business partnersship

    Background on myself (who I am, why am looking to invest, etc) I am a retired government worker from Cameroon and I am looking for good opportunities to invest in, I have worked for 46 years with my government and now I am looking to start up personal business my LinkedIn account is Mustapha...
  14. G

    Alright Fastlane Forum.. Help me land this deal

    So- I have a progress thread around here regarding my newest venture. In short, I am gathering clients and servicing them with digital marketing, social media, and graphics. These clients are on monthly plans either 6 or 12 months. I currently have a few small clients, 3-figures each MRR. I was...