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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. mb_bossman

    Matthew from Phoenix

    Hey everyone, Matthew here from Phoenix AZ. Recently read Fastlane Millionaire and Unscripted and felt compelled to join this forum, but haven’t found the time to post anything meaningful yet, so figured I’d start with an introduction. First, a bit about my journey. I’ve always been an...
  2. Alex.Ra

    I need your help For my app, can someone reply ?

    INTRODUCTION: Currently, my friend and I are developing an app called Frizda, which will have a similar system as AirBNB. There will be Frizda normal where regular households will be able to filter the best businesses (I won’t name the precise business type for evident reasons) around them...
  3. Rares

    Best ways there are to get to know "like-minded" people in real life?

    The problem is that all the people I know who are diligent like me, do not really want to put the effort into doing something entrepreneurial. Of course, there are many ways to connect with people who want to start their entrepreneurial venture online but I want to find somebody, or it could be...
  4. Chrisrod2597

    Surrounding Yourself with Success: What Are Your Thoughts on Connecting with Influential People?

    Hello everyone, We all know that surrounding ourselves with people who are better, smarter, more experienced, or influential can have a huge impact on our personal and professional growth. But how do we go about finding and building relationships with these types of individuals? In your...
  5. missinfinity98

    Who said entrepreneurship is a lonely road? My name is Maria, hello :)

    This is an entrepreneurial forum, so I'll start with this topic - I am now buying an old, small palace in Poland, EU, and creating a retreat with a spa and micro-dosing therapy. Curating this project is what I am spending a lot of my time on. I am a 24-year-old, therapist through art and nature...
  6. C

    Looking for a partner in Germany

    Hi, I am looking for a business partner in Germany. The idea is to eventually develop an app. Now you don't have to be a coder, to me it's just important that you have adopted the fastlane mindset very very well. Send me a direct message if you're above the age of 24 and I can explain...
  7. Rey_Lambie


    Hey guys happy new year! My name is Rey I just finished reading The Millionaire Fastlane and jumped at the chance to join the forum to be connected with some like-minded individuals. A little bit about me, I am a business undergrad at the University of Toronto in Canada as well as the podcast...
  8. L

    ISO: Accountability Partner!

    My real estate group and I are looking for accountability partners for a weekly call to make sure we all stay on track and our goals. Looking forward to an inclusive environment where we can share ideas and processes. About us: Boston based real estate group that's rapidly growing, 2019...
  9. G

    How can I, with a network of over 5000 members, set up a very profitable program with a minimum investment for each member?

    With an active community of more than 5000 members how could we launch a high performance program in which all the members would get involved and use the strength of their group without having to spend money or very little
  10. PapaGang

    Chamath Palihapitiya: Be good copiers

    Chamath is a former Facebook executive who started a VC firm that specializes in funding initiatives that aim for big change. He's very smart, very articulate, and came from nothing. There is a ton of value in this talk, and I'll start with this nugget he learned after working for Terry...
  11. sanjiv

    Introduce M.S.D and Malini

    Hello Everyone I'm sanjiv from italy. exactly 10year ago i founded my company from scratch. I'm still struggling for go forward and keep going but i really love and enjoy what i do and this keeps me motivated to go ahead. Basically my business is supply the best fashion houses with...
  12. Steppenwolf

    10XFactory or 149 Bucks per Month for a Slack Channel

    Just stumbled upon this site over a Facebook Ad. #1 Slack Channel for World-Class Entrepreneurs | 10XFactory Basically a Slack Channel for Entrepreneurs. I was curious and signed up. Now you have to schedule an appointment where you talk to someone and they check if you are suitable to join...
  13. Isaac Oh

    Let's talk, Music Industry!

    After some searching, there doesn't seem to be much discussion about the music industry that goes into depth; they tend to fade out. However, there's too much intelligence and wisdom on this forum to not take advantage of. So, let's start this thread as a sort-of mega-thread where we can...
  14. Niptuck MD

    strategizing a resolution to a complex dilemma

    I am having difficulty executing part of my long term plan; I have several key contacts in various parts of the world that source important high end raw materials and products that the west primarily needs but my dilemma presently is finding a buyer. Are there resources or databases and how to...
  15. D


    Hey Guys, iam from Germany near Stuttgart and glad to join this community to make some progress in my life! Iam 29 years old and been 4 years in sole proprietorship and still doing it. So i have some business expirience but i would say its slowlane ! My business is Moving! And i have 3...
  16. StartupsRFun

    Are there any other sites like Merger Network?

    So I started using Merger Network to advertise my consulting business, and have had success getting clients from it. I was wondering if anyone who has used Merger Network has found success using any other sites?