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  1. Levit

    Including LGPL libraries in your software and not getting sued

    CONTEXT After some time of frustration with the UX of some existing Windows apps out there for quick media editing, I saw a potential value skew, but I mostly wanted to solve my own problem. So I started designing a basic app that I'd like to sell. The thing is, I'm not a 10X low-level native...
  2. CardinalFlame

    Progress Thread: My Coffee Chat with a Multimillionaire (psst, it was MJ)

    Hello Fastlane Forum! I am excited to finally start my own progress thread. I haven’t had an exit event and its far from over but I am going to share some background, a bit of my entrepreneurial journey, how my coffee chat with MJ (TMF) changed my life and my current position in the Process. I...
  3. Frost

    Licensing/Selling Web Widget For Flight Booking Websites?

    Hey fastlaners, While searching for flights the other day I noticed that it's not always clear when you're traveling to a location with a different timezone, which makes it confusing to imagine the flight time in relation to the timezone you're going from/to. It's almost never clear and you...
  4. Natbros2020

    Licensing idea?

    Hello everyone, this is my first post (to be honest isn’t first post ever in a forum). So if I made some kind of mistake please don’t be rude and tell me what I can change for next time. I came from Sicily (Italy) and I red the two books of Mj. I’m trying to find my path but at the moment I am...
  5. D

    Licensing - How to distribute and market a product?

    It appears the GOLD licensing game thread is dead. I am trying to find clarification from anyone in regards to distribution and marketing. Per what I read, you find a celebrity or brand and find an item already in manufacture that you can negotiate a license deal. Once you lock in the deal with...
  6. O

    Franchise, Publish or Both?

    Him: "Franchise my business? I think it's a terrible idea, people buy into a franchise for the name, I don't have a well known name. On TV years ago, a trendy local hair salon was looking to build a name, then franchise it. They got nowhere. You're technically not selling a franchise, just an...
  7. Mhinto

    An Inventors Introduction to The Fastlane Forum

    Hello Fastlane Forum. My name is Matthew Hinton and I am a new member. I'm a 27 year old heavy equipment operator and I desperately want to get out of the slow lane. Luckily, the only debt I have is my mortgage and children are not in my plans for the near future. I feel that this gives me a...
  8. M

    Help with Structuring Licensing Deal

    I'm in the middle of negotiating a licensing deal where I will gain merchandising rights to someone else's IP and use it to make a product. I'm seeking ways to make an attractive offer without exposing myself to too much risk, and I'm getting hung up in the details of the minimum guarantee. I...
  9. Richard Gao

    Should I continue with my product, and If so, how?

    I am trying to make a line of manuka honey bandages, I have read on the FDA website that bandages are considered class 1 medical devices. This requires a license, the license costs around $4000. I live in Canada, so I also checked Health Canada, and the cost is around $7000. Is there any way...
  10. NMdad

    From prototype to ...?

    Longtime lurker, first time poster. :) For an existing outdoor/recreation product, I've hacked together a prototype that's basically an add-on feature to the main product. (My prototype is an electronics thing--I'm not really an electronics guy, but the prototype works & does what I want)...
  11. Yoda

    Blockchain Backed Patents

    I thought I'd open up a thread to discuss patents as they relate to blockchain, specifically. There's an interesting "Gold Rush" going on behind the scenes, if you will, where companies (blockchain related, and non) are deeply invested (literally) in finding patents to establish. If you think...
  12. P

    Desperate Tech Entrepreneur Needs Advice

    I really need some advice on my current work situation, which is unfortunately a very long story, so I apologize and ask you bear with me. Everyone in my life is either too close to the problem (with the risk of having a special interest), or not knowledgeable enough in this arena to give very...
  13. SeanyHang

    How to license another companies technology?

    Hey guys! The question is in the headline but frankly, I don't even know if I'm asking the right question. Maybe you guys can help point me in the right direction for a little research adventure? I'm developing a product that has a widget stitched inside of it... The only problem is that the...
  14. ThirtyOne

    Thoughts on competing against big box?

    EDIT: "big box" is misnomer, I forgot to edit the title before posting. whoops. "supplier" is more appropriate. I've researched a category dominated by one major supplier and the distant second place goes to a smaller niche supplier in that category. However, I've found that this category...
  15. K

    Licensing Question...

    I'm really struggling with the "who" to license to question. Say, I've got an automotive paint formulation that will revolutionize auto paints. Who do I attempt to license this to? The paint manufactures (ppg, DuPont, etc...) or the large commercial automotive Auto body shops that paint the...
  16. Eskil

    Eskil's Mentoring to Accelerate Your Growth

    This is a personal mentor / coaching program meant for anyone who is serious about getting off to a solid start - or to take an existing product based business to the next level. A few years back, I offered coaching in this thread, which was heavily Amazon-focused. I coached several people...