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landing pages

  1. smarty

    Is your landing page as good as you think? Let's find out

    I keep coming back to this video year after year and I think it's one of the best on the topic of reviewing landing pages, so I thought I'd share here and hopefully some of you find it helpful as well. In short, your landing page should answer three basic questions as quickly as possible in...
  2. T

    Trial and Error or Building an Audience first?

    Hi guys, I became aware of the forum a few years ago when I read MJ's great books, but have only ever read and never really participated in the forum. So this is my introduction. I am 36 years old and live in Europe. I've been wanting to start my own business for well over a decade, but have...
  3. HiGHPeR

    Get a higher converting website or landing page from

    Hey everyone! We're almost into summer and its that time of the year to launch those hot summer offers! Contact me today to schedule a free consultation, and lets see how can help you improve your overall ROI or FB ROAS and simply make you more money. We've been in the...
  4. GrandRub

    eCommerce - Link to Landing Pages or direct to product

    greetings from germany hallo fastlaners! i watched some realy good videos about content strategy yesterday (ezra firestone - what d you think about that guy? i like him) and today i would like to implement some stuff to my store and to my greater strategy. one thing stick to my mind. and i...
  5. Chris McCarron

    How to Build An Epic Email List Fast (So Simple Even Your Kids Can Do It)

    Direct link: How to make money with a website - 60% - 80% Opt In Landing Page Conversion Rate Optimization Anyone who has a website knows how important it is to grow your email list. Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to get your message read by tens of thousands (if not hundreds of...
  6. Andy Black

    AndyTalks AdWords DIY, DFY, Funnels, Offers

    AndyTalks AdWords DIY, DFY, Funnels, Offers A Facebook ads consultant was interested in my landing page offers, and how I generated leads for my business. Here's the recording of us chatting for the first time. > Click here to access the recording < What were your takeaways? What will you...
  7. SparksCW

    £2017 for 2017 Pay The Bills Through Lead Generation

    I've been putting this off for a while but now's the time to make it happen. My bills are currently paid via my main business but I want to use that money to fund growth so I thought that I'd set myself a challenge to pay my current bills monthly via regular income from websites, that way I can...