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fastlaner in the making

  1. JonnySel007

    Never give up, no matter what happens.

    Ever wondered what it is like to have a mild form of Autism, and doing whatever it possibly took to pursue and achieve your dreams, regardless? Well, you're about to read how despite my early diagnosis of High-functioning Autism (a mild case), I managed and am continuing to do whatever I need...
  2. BlackMagician

    Bookmark Your Favorite Posts

    (If this thread violates any rules here, please delete it. Moderator's, Admin's) I have recently joined this forum. Reading some of the GOLD/Notable post just blown my mind. So much information, concepts. There were so many legendary post under a single thread that I can’t help but keep reading...
  3. maiko

    Hi, i'm new here and like to introduce myself

    Hi, i'm a Belgian entrepeneur since 11yrs but caught on the Slowlane. We have a shop (b&m and online) with ecological paints and wallpapers but the job is time consuming (a lot of advice given to DIY'ers) and are also contracters in eco-painting houses. Our is company a cooperative and we are...
  4. Jess Grey

    Learning to go from manager, to owner, to investor

    Hi all - I just finished Millionaire Fastlane and could not put it down! It was one of those books that had me going through it with my wife daily after nearly every chapter, trying to apply it all to my life. This is a game changer if you're up for it and I am more than ready to invest myself...