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  1. S

    Should I stay in Highschool?

    Hey guys, I'm currently in highschool, still have another year and a bit more to go, ive made around 5k from my business so far in the last few months (haven't been actively selling because of school). Have been pretty stressed and other parts of life have kind of taken a hit, not sure whether...
  2. dand

    Pulling The Trigger: Dropping Out and Moving to Austin

    I came to a very difficult conclusion recently. I wanted to share it and why it motivated me to fully commit to the fastlane/starting a business. Reading my first intro post will also help with some context. ----------------------- In case that is not enought context...
  3. Awakened potato

    14 y/o wanna-be-highschool(9th grade)- dropout.

    I'm 14 y/o as you could see in the title. An indian guy, rn in 9th grade. I've read the millionaire fastlane and halfway through the 4 hour work week by tim. In addition to that, I've consumed a lot of business content on yt and articles. Watched all the buisness vidoes of Hamza(he's an...
  4. AgainstAllOdds

    PSA: Reading TMFL or Unscripted does not mean that you can be a lazy idiot!

    This thread is mostly directed at college kids here but also applies to others. Time and time again we see this process on this forum: Someone reads The Millionaire Fastlane or Unscripted Decide that they're "enlightened" Drop out of school so they can "leave the rat race" Do absolutely...
  5. A

    Every fastlane member needed here

    I read the millionaire fastlane over two years ago and I decided to write about the higher education myth 'cause I'm a college dropout. I recently self-published the book although it hasn't yet appeared on Amazon, but it's on Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Scribd, and iBooks. The book needs reviews and...
  6. dougie

    Grinding away, Dropping out, and Overcoming Comfort

    Hello, everyone. I am 19 years old, in the SEO industry, a Linux geek, and have a large passion for programming. It all started in early 2014. I hated school and the path I was set on. Having to get on that prison bus every day and be forced to absorb subjects that did not inspire me was a...
  7. gostorm21

    I Dropped Out of College and Bought a Porsche. Here’s How.

    First, a word of reassurance: I didn’t do it by selling that headline or any other coaching bullshit (and never will, God willing), so no need to worry about any forthcoming offer to buy my "usually $1999, now just $79 Exclusive Training System”. I did it by screwing up to the point that the...
  8. Vegallan

    Should I Drop Out of High School?

    Whats up fastlaners, Recently I have been thinking of the decision on whether I should drop out of high school now and take the GED test (which is extremely easy), or to stick it out and try to get my teachers on my side. As far as high school goes, my grades at the moment are half F's and...
  9. G

    CBC News Report: Is a university degree a waste of money?

    Here is a recent news report where people are blaming job markets for the results in their life. View: Posting from my phone, apologize in advance for any errors.