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  1. Cyprien

    launching a new OKR SaaS and needing (a lot of) help

    SAAS / APPS 
    Unfortunately, I have to ask your help! I am in the process of creating a SaaS for OKRs. As I am French, I am targeting the French market, specifically young companies that develop software. Currently, I don't have a product yet; I am in the market research phase. But good news, I have...
  2. Cyprien

    I need help on coding things

    Hi there ! Like it's said into the title, I need some help over coding a website, more precisely to host my website. Indeed I don't know how to post it on our beautiful Internet, I heard about Firebase, the solution given by Google, but I don't know if it's the best way for a little website...
  3. L

    Is it a waste of time to learn code if I don't know EXACTLY what I want to do with it?

    I'm still kind of in the idea phase, still developing a better mindset with seeing opportunities to create value and solve problems and stuff. Spend a lot of time exercising that 'muscle'. I've learned a bit of React JS and now Python in the meantime, and have a handful of ideas I have...
  4. Yortanlı/Türkiye

    how can i learn coding?

    I want to code a website just like MJ did and I want to learn coding in general. I have no foundation, where and how can I learn? which books should i read? what should I do?
  5. EndurancePenguin

    The pursuit of Happyness... in real life.

    Hi everyone, I came across MJ books and this forum thanks to a dear friend that recommended me “Unscripted”. I devoured it in a couple of days. Then I read TMF and I’m now reading The Great Rat Race Escape. These books blown my mind: I finally understand my inner discomfort about 9-5...
  6. MaxT

    Create a newsletter with Amazon Ses / MailCheat(Chimp)

    Hello, I have created my blog with pure code (no wordpress) and the interface for get the name + email of the user. My goal is to find a solution for send mail / newsletter. Do I need to save the mail adress + name on my database ? Or is it possible to send this data directly to amazon ses or...
  7. J

    I'm starting by learning programming and reading entrepreneurial books. Am I on the right track?

    Hello there, this is my first post. I had never been interested in entrepreneurship until I read MJ's books a couple months before, so I'm a novice. I'm working a part time job and finishing a degree, so I'm taking this slowly. I'm currently learning Python (because I had an idea for a web...
  8. A

    Web Development, need answers from people who DO

    Hi! I really didn't expect asking this in this forum but I was almost depressed by answers I got from developers and enthusiasts in "techy" forums ( more at the end for bored readers :hilarious:). A bit of background - I'm currently learning WebDev in order to launch an online business...
  9. JHZ

    Ecommerce solution to existing website?

    Hello everyone! I'm currently doing a web design project for a friend, I'm coding the site with a html template. My client would like to have a shopping section on the website, my question is: When using a html template, do you integrate a shopping section in the code, or do you use Shopify or...
  10. RealDreams

    How not to get f*cked when outsourcing code?

    So I've been thinking about outsourcing a website project I tried starting alone. However, I soon realized the skills required to make it real will take me years to learn. So, while I am still learning to code, I thought about outsourcing the website development on Upwork so I can finally start...
  11. K

    Learning to code, pays of, even before you can code.

    (Sorry for my english, it's not my first or second language:hilarious:) This is my progress thread on learning to program from absolutely scratch, not even knowing, what i don't know. A couple of weeks ago, I determined that I wanted to learn to code. The decision was made on getting a firm...
  12. NotLikeYou

    Creating an amazing platform! But how?

    Hey I hope you`re doing well, This is my first Post here so if theres a mistake in it feel free to correct me. I read Millionaire Fastlane and Unscipted. I took a long time of brainstorming and searching for ideas daily. I was really surprised that I got a lot of ideas. After I had enough I...
  13. C

    Customer Hacked our Propriety Software

    Hello All, I have a long time old customer who spent a lot of money with our company developing out our product ProSTART, which we sold to them many years ago. Our signed agreement with them says our company owns any and all Intellectual rights to our product and any customization to this...
  14. ProcessPro

    Question for developers: Can I do this?

    Good day fastlaners, I'm currently working on a wordpress website for a small e-commerce store I plan to operate from my home. The local shipping company I plan to use offers an API that I can integrate into my website so that the customers can access shipping rates based on their area of...
  15. SoftStone

    A Comprehensive Guide To Learning Web Development

    So, you've come up with an idea for a product that involves the web? Or you want to learn web development for any other reason? I'll have you covered! I am no expert by any means but have been learning it on my own for a couple of years now, and hopefully will be able to give you some...
  16. shelton

    Creating the next social media giant...

    I’m willing to create a social media site but the thing is. I don’t know how sites like reddit tumblr or even Twitter make their money. I also don’t know how they are able to price their apps. I want to create a site that is either pay for once or subscription based. I would even replace patreon...
  17. J

    From 0 code experience to SaaS in 12 months

    I’m not the most active poster on this forum. But I’ve been busy this last year so it’s about time for an update. This time last year I had an idea to create a new online mindmap software, with more emphasis on simple design and better implementing the notes feature. My aim was to produce...
  18. Panamera Turbo S

    Hot Piglet iOS App Feedback

    Hello fastlaners, After I saw that a lot of people made millions from iPhone apps, I decided to code a simple game similar to Flappy Bird. Even if the app is simple, I made the things in a such a way that creates addiction by mixing things up in the game. I know that the best feedback I can...
  19. J

    Starting my new life:

    Hello, My name's Ionut (spelled with an "i" ), or you can call me John (which means the same thing, but in English). Atlas is my cal-sign which I chose because of the success vibe it infuses each time I hear it. I want to circle the globe and experience everything it has to offer. (mainly in...