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career coaching

  1. Acelewis

    Start Up Grind.. I hope my lessons help others (AI Career Mapping)

    My location: UK Knowledge base: Website entrepreneur wannabe Education: Mechanical Engineer / YouTube/ Udemy Hi All, Just wanted to share my journey so far in the hope that it may help you on your journeys. Also would appreciate any feedback on mine The beginning: 1st Business (Shopify) ...
  2. E

    Target Market Advice - Film Career Coaching

    Hello Fastlaners, Thanks for all your insight and thoughts, I absolutely love this forum! I was wondering if it would possible to get some outside perspective on a business idea I'm working on? In particular in relation to defining a target market. Any advice, ideas, or feedback would be...
  3. _Denis_S

    Who am I and what's my mission?

    Hello Everyone, I actually joined this forum a long time ago but wasn't very active (yet). My Name is Denis, I am 29 years old and I'm from Switzerland. I just started a new business as an online coach. This is actually my second attempt to break free from the rat race, but this time there is...
  4. M

    How do I pick the major where I will be most successful?

    What: 1. Know my talent. 2. Know my interest. 3. Know my character. 4. Match the above 3 points with the majors. 5. Pick the major with the best economics (Eg: highest salary, highest job growth, best for entrepreneurship etc.) How: 1. Do a talent assessment test. 2. Do an interest assessment...
  5. Christophe

    Greetings! Life/Career coach from U.S. (and France)

    Hello everyone, I am a Life and Career coach and my focus is on startup founders. I started my business a few months ago and I am currently learning about the entrepreneurial side of coaching, which is completely new to me but I love it so far. I just started to read the Millionaire FastLane...

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