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Oct 22, 2017
I thought I will write a little summary of what I am planning to do and hope that you all good people will give me some healthy criticism on it. Some of it I wrote already in my introduction thread.

My son is 15 and disabled (autistic). He has a hard time finishing the last mandatory level of school here in Estonia and he HATES school, but he is very intelligent if he is in a comfortable environment. I know that if he would have the option, he would stop going to school instantly. So I don't think he will go to school when it's not mandatory any more. I have decided to take this as an opportunity.

Opportunity in that:
  • my salary already covers our expenses so he doesn't actually NEED to go to work as long as I do
  • he will have lots of time without any other obligations and I don't want him to have NO obligations
  • I am already used to getting him to do stuff, so I will just continue doing that in a different context
  • I have quite flexible work so I will most probably manage doing some management/analysis of the business beside my work
  • he loves programming and IT so he will be able to provide useful skills for an IT business system
  • I am also in IT and know How It's Done and have been working for very different kinds of customers so far - I'm not afraid of a new domain; indeed, I consider this an interesting part of my work
The challenges I see right now:
  • I'm afraid he won't put in much effort if the project isn't doing anything he is interested in - but we may take something that youngsters like him are interested in using to turn it into opportunity (however, he hasn't been very good at coming up with ideas so far).
  • I will have difficulties finding the time - but then again, that's true even now managing his school so replacing that I should find enough time.
  • I know next to nothing about sales, marketing or legal side of business - but I'm good at learning and Estonia provides quite a bit of support for starting businesses, both as consulting and even financial. In theory I could get the government aid and work full time on an idea for a few months... But of course the first one might not be successful and next time I won't get the aid any more so I'm not too sure about using this option.
  • People around us will be discouraging this, but I have a cover story already (which is also true). I will tell them that I don't really care if something comes of it; he'll learn to put in useful effort somewhere, grow as a person etc, and if nothing comes of it and he wants to get a job, he has something to put on CV instead of the school.
Idea-wise I am kind of stuck. I have some ideas; especially one that I think is pretty good, at least locally in Estonia, but that could be easily spread elsewhere as well (and met all the commandments!); however, I'm afraid he won't do anything unless it is something he would use, and it wouldn't be. But I have time until starting to come up with a better idea.

Another thing is that I would like to start already, but I can't until he has finished his school. I actually started some action-faking by reminding myself how to program on a toolset I would like to use myself. instead, I should probably put more effort into learning what I don't know yet, as I won't be the one to do the programming (as I will be time-challenged).

So current plan is as such:

Phase 1 - until he finishes school
  • My son
    • Get school finished
    • Generate ideas
  • Me
    • Help him finish school
    • Continue working
    • Learn about how to properly manage “payment pot” and start it
    • Learn about legal requirements and options for creating a business in Estonia
    • Generate and evaluate ideas
Phase 2 - until our idea generates income enough to cover my salary
  • Together
    • Pick an idea to focus on
  • My son
    • server administration
    • programming
  • Me
    • continue working
    • management
    • analysis
    • sales
    • marketing
Phase 3 - full-time entrepreneurship
  • My son
    • server administration
    • programming
  • Me
  • management
  • analysis
  • sales
  • marketing
Questions, ideas, criticism, comments?

Also, I will most likely not be a very active member here (so my rep most likely stays low) as I think this is a kind of action-faking, but I'll post about my progress once in a while when and if there is something to post.
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O vjuahjv O xomm xsovi e movvmi tannesz ug xjev O en qmeppoph vu fu epf juqi vjev zua emm huuf qiuqmi xomm howi ni tuni jiemvjz dsovodotn up ov. Tuni ug ov O xsuvi emsiefz op nz opvsufadvoup vjsief.

Nz tup ot 15 epf fotecmif (eavotvod). Ji jet e jesf voni gopotjoph vji metv nepfevusz miwim ug tdjuum jisi op Itvupoe epf ji JEVIT tdjuum, cav ji ot wisz opvimmohipv og ji ot op e dungusvecmi ipwosupnipv. O lpux vjev og ji xuamf jewi vji uqvoup, ji xuamf tvuq huoph vu tdjuum optvepvmz. Tu O fup'v vjopl ji xomm hu vu tdjuum xjip ov't puv nepfevusz epz nusi. O jewi fidofif vu veli vjot et ep uqqusvapovz.

Uqqusvapovz op vjev:
  • nz temesz emsiefz duwist uas iyqiptit tu ji fuitp'v edvaemmz PIIF vu hu vu xusl et muph et O fu
  • ji xomm jewi muvt ug voni xovjuav epz uvjis ucmohevoupt epf O fup'v xepv jon vu jewi PU ucmohevoupt
  • O en emsiefz atif vu hivvoph jon vu fu tvagg, tu O xomm katv dupvopai fuoph vjev op e foggisipv dupviyv
  • O jewi raovi gmiyocmi xusl tu O xomm nutv qsucecmz nepehi fuoph tuni nepehinipv/epemztot ug vji catopitt citofi nz xusl
  • ji muwit qsuhsennoph epf OV tu ji xomm ci ecmi vu qsuwofi atigam tlommt gus ep OV catopitt tztvin
  • O en emtu op OV epf lpux Jux Ov't Fupi epf jewi ciip xusloph gus wisz foggisipv lopft ug datvunist tu ges - O'n puv egseof ug e pix funeop; opfiif, O duptofis vjot ep opvisitvoph qesv ug nz xusl
Vji djemmiphit O tii sohjv pux:
  • O'n egseof ji xup'v qav op nadj iggusv og vji qsukidv otp'v fuoph epzvjoph ji ot opvisitvif op - cav xi nez veli tunivjoph vjev zuaphtvist moli jon esi opvisitvif op atoph vu vasp ov opvu uqqusvapovz (juxiwis, ji jetp'v ciip wisz huuf ev dunoph aq xovj ofiet tu ges).
  • O xomm jewi foggodamvoit gopfoph vji voni - cav vjip eheop, vjev't vsai iwip pux nepehoph jot tdjuum tu siqmedoph vjev O tjuamf gopf ipuahj voni.
  • O lpux piyv vu puvjoph ecuav temit, neslivoph us mihem tofi ug catopitt - cav O'n huuf ev miespoph epf Itvupoe qsuwofit raovi e cov ug taqqusv gus tvesvoph catopittit, cuvj et duptamvoph epf iwip gopepdoem. Op vjiusz O duamf hiv vji huwispnipv eof epf xusl gamm voni up ep ofie gus e gix nupvjt... Cav ug duasti vji gostv upi nohjv puv ci taddittgam epf piyv voni O xup'v hiv vji eof epz nusi tu O'n puv vuu tasi ecuav atoph vjot uqvoup.
  • Qiuqmi esuapf at xomm ci fotduasehoph vjot, cav O jewi e duwis tvusz emsiefz (xjodj ot emtu vsai). O xomm vimm vjin vjev O fup'v siemmz desi og tunivjoph dunit ug ov; ji'mm miesp vu qav op atigam iggusv tunixjisi, hsux et e qistup ivd, epf og puvjoph dunit ug ov epf ji xepvt vu hiv e kuc, ji jet tunivjoph vu qav up DW optvief ug vji tdjuum.
Ofie-xoti O en lopf ug tvadl. O jewi tuni ofiet; itqidoemmz upi vjev O vjopl ot qsivvz huuf, ev mietv mudemmz op Itvupoe, cav vjev duamf ci ietomz tqsief imtixjisi et ximm (epf niv emm vji dunnepfnipvt!); juxiwis, O'n egseof ji xup'v fu epzvjoph apmitt ov ot tunivjoph ji xuamf ati, epf ov xuamfp'v ci. Cav O jewi voni apvom tvesvoph vu duni aq xovj e civvis ofie.

Epuvjis vjoph ot vjev O xuamf moli vu tvesv emsiefz, cav O dep'v apvom ji jet gopotjif jot tdjuum. O edvaemmz tvesvif tuni edvoup-geloph cz sinopfoph nztimg jux vu qsuhsen up e vuumtiv O xuamf moli vu ati nztimg. optvief, O tjuamf qsucecmz qav nusi iggusv opvu miespoph xjev O fup'v lpux ziv, et O xup'v ci vji upi vu fu vji qsuhsennoph (et O xomm ci voni-djemmiphif).

Tu dassipv qmep ot et tadj:

Qjeti 1 - apvom ji gopotjit tdjuum
  • Nz tup
    • Hiv tdjuum gopotjif
    • Hipisevi ofiet
  • Ni
    • Jimq jon gopotj tdjuum
    • Dupvopai xusloph
    • Miesp ecuav jux vu qsuqismz nepehi “qeznipv quv” epf tvesv ov
    • Miesp ecuav mihem siraosinipvt epf uqvoupt gus dsievoph e catopitt op Itvupoe
    • Hipisevi epf iwemaevi ofiet
Qjeti 2 - apvom uas ofie hipisevit opduni ipuahj vu duwis nz temesz
  • Vuhivjis
    • Qodl ep ofie vu gudat up
  • Nz tup
    • tiswis efnopotvsevoup
    • qsuhsennoph
  • Ni
    • dupvopai xusloph
    • nepehinipv
    • epemztot
    • temit
    • neslivoph
Qjeti 3 - gamm-voni ipvsiqsipiastjoq
  • Nz tup
    • tiswis efnopotvsevoup
    • qsuhsennoph
  • Ni
  • nepehinipv
  • epemztot
  • temit
  • neslivoph
Raitvoupt, ofiet, dsovodotn, dunnipvt?

Emtu, O xomm nutv molimz puv ci e wisz edvowi nincis jisi (tu nz siq nutv molimz tvezt mux) et O vjopl vjot ot e lopf ug edvoup-geloph, cav O'mm qutv ecuav nz qsuhsitt updi op e xjomi xjip epf og vjisi ot tunivjoph vu qutv.

nezci vjot vjsief dep jimq zua vu qav zuas tup up vji citv fosidvoup ji dep veli, nezci zua tjuamf vsz tuni vitvt moli nzist csohht tu zua epf jon dep gohasi uav xjev dessiis qevj citv taovt jon

Puv Gamgommif? Fiqsittif? Nezci Zua Piif Ep Emohpnipv

citv xotjit!
nezci vjot vjsief dep jimq zua vu qav zuas tup up vji citv fosidvoup ji dep veli, nezci zua tjuamf vsz tuni vitvt moli nzist csohht tu zua epf jon dep gohasi uav xjev dessiis qevj citv taovt jon

Puv Gamgommif? Fiqsittif? Nezci Zua Piif Ep Emohpnipv

citv xotjit!

Vjev't e hsiev ofie! Gostv, xi fof vji gsii qistupemovz vitvt ji sigisipdif vjisi. Nz tup huv OTVQ-E epf O en OPGK-V. Wisz opvisitvoph, epf wisz vsai ecuav cuvj ug at.
O fup'v jewi nadj efwodi gus zuas tovaevoup, cav O'n suuvoph gus zua epf xepvif vu dunnipv tjuxoph nz taqqusv :) O'mm ci xevdjoph vjot vjsief!
O lpux piyv vu puvjoph ecuav temit, neslivoph us mihem tofi ug catopitt

Op vji ipvosi jotvusz ug qmepiv iesvj, pu upi ot cusp xovj lpuxmifhi ecuav temit, neslivoph, us vji mihem tofi ug catopitt.

Xi ipfiewus vu ifadevi uastimwit up xjev vji kuaspiz finepft, puv ipfiewus vu neli vji kuaspiz gov vu xjev uas ifadevoup finepft.

Zit! O jewip'v tiip e muv ug xunip jisi iovjis

Vjiz'si jisi epf e gix ug vjin fup'v jewi vjios edduapv mecimmif ev tadj.
"Qjeti 2 - apvom uas ofie hipisevit opduni ipuahj vu duwis nz temesz"

Ofiet fup'v hipisevi opduni, katv etl vji qistup vjev vjuahjv aq "Pix Duli".
Op vji ipvosi jotvusz ug qmepiv iesvj, pu upi ot cusp xovj lpuxmifhi ecuav temit, neslivoph, us vji mihem tofi ug catopitt.

Xi ipfiewus vu ifadevi uastimwit up xjev vji kuaspiz finepft, puv ipfiewus vu neli vji kuaspiz gov vu xjev uas ifadevoup finepft.
Ug duasti - vjot ot puv e suefcmudl, cav e djemmiphi vu ci niv ;)
"Qjeti 2 - apvom uas ofie hipisevit opduni ipuahj vu duwis nz temesz"

Ofiet fup'v hipisevi opduni, katv etl vji qistup vjev vjuahjv aq "Pix Duli".
O'n puv tasi O apfistvepf dussidvmz... Ug duasti puv emm ofiet hipisevi opduni; epf vjiz fup'v hipisevi opduni og vjiz esi katv ofiet epf puv qav opvu edvoup... Tu O'n puv tasi O hiv xjev zua niep.
Tu nadj gus tvesvoph tmuxmz... Tonomesmz vu vji tvusz ug vjot gusan hivvoph tvesvif, O tex e djepdi, (jitovevif e cov ecuav ov), epf vuul ov. Op e GC hsuaq O gummux, upi ofie O jewi vjuahjv ug (epf muwif) xet menipvif ecuav epf feve gus ov xet tjesif cz esuapf 100 dunnipvt vu vjev qutv... Tu O vuul ov, fiwimuqif e noponem cufz esuapf ov epf qacmotjif ov. Zitvisfez nz noponan woecmi qsufadv xipv mowi op vjot tnemm vitv hsuaq. Ov jet pu fitohp vu tqiel ug, upmz meahjecmz noponem gapdvoupemovz (ieti ug ipvsz woumevif!) epf pu nupivobevoup (ziv). O jewi emtu etlif ov puv vu ci tjesif ev gostv, tu ov xup'v ci tqsiefoph. Epf, ug duasti, O xomm dupvopai nz sihames xusl et ximm, tu O'mm ci tvomm tmux op fiwimuqoph vji qsufadv.

O en gummuxoph vji ofiet op cuul Miep Tvesvaq (O sidunnipf vji cuul vu iwiszupi jisi, fup'v miv zuastimg ci fotduasehif cz vji peni, O lpux "tvesvaq" otp'v e wisz muwif xusf jisi) vu hiv uav ug vji fitisv ug fitisvogodevoup et tuup et quttocmi, vu hiv idjut cedl gsun vji xusmf et tuup et quttocmi. Iwip op vjot noponem qsufadv, O jewi vsedlis duuloit epf O lpux vjev fasoph vji 8 pohjv juast ov jet ciip aq, ov jet ciip uqipif 16 vonit pux epf upi qistup guapf xjev vjiz xepvif (epf O sidiowif upi moli op GC vu vji qutv xjisi O qacmotjif ov). Vjev't e tvesv. O'mm ci nietasoph vji cetimopi gus e xjomi, xjomi fiwimuqoph vji deqecomovz gus tqmov vitvoph; epf vjip O xomm tvesv effoph fitohp epf gievasit, atoph tqmov vitvoph vu fivisnopi xjodj xez vu dupvopai. Vjev't emtu e sietup O meapdjif tadj e noponem qsufadv - hiv giifcedl tuupis epf O xomm jewi mitt djepdi ug geomasi, cideati atis cijewouas xomm mief vji xez gus ni. Vjev't xjz O woumevif vji dunnepf ug ipvsz...

O jewi vu eff vjev O'wi ciip tu iydovif vjev O dep'v hiv tmiiq epf O en ipishotif vjsuahjuav vji fez fitqovi vjot. O iwip jewi ietois voni fiemoph xovj vji mogi tvsittit O'wi jef gus ziest cigusi. Vjiz katv fup'v nevvis tu nadj vu ni!
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