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On a mission


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Dec 2, 2017
Los Angeles
Hi all - I'm very excited to join this forum!

Here's a bit of background on me:
  • worked as a full time iOS app developer
  • some web development experience: built a site that has garnered > $1000 in donations
  • living in Los Angeles, from Canada originally
  • latest career milestone has been quitting my full time job and working as a contract software developer for some people in my network. This was a small victory for me as it allows me to work remotely and the pay is good. It's a goal I've had for a long time.
  • next goal of mine is to produce income from selling my own products or by affiliate marketing. A small income is fine - I want to focus on making a first step
I've always had the drive to be independent. I know that to feel fulfilled I must make my own way. I entered the workforce recently, and my experience over the past few years has taught me that a loyal employer is hard to find. A close family member of mine recently got fired after a company restructure, despite being a highly respected top performer at the company (I think being close to retirement had something to do with it). These experiences have made me more determined to produce my own income, so that I don't need to rely on employers for my livelihood.

I hope the skills and experience I've accrued so far can be useful to some people here. Looking forward to contributing what I can and learning a lot from others here!

- Adam
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Nov 28, 2017
I entered the workforce recently, and my experience over the past few years has taught me that a loyal employer is hard to find. A close family member of mine recently got fired after a company restructure, despite being a highly respected top performer at the company (I think being close to retirement had something to do with it).

This is so true, Adam. I've noticed the same! Being an employee is necessary for some, but it's not as secure as many people make it out to be.

I hope you've enjoyed the forums as much as I have so far! See you around!

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