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New here from NYC


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Jun 20, 2018
New York, NY
Hey Everyone, Sorry if this is a long post...

Pretty interesting that I've only now managed to find this forum but from looking around, I can tell that it's greatly beneficial with like-minded people. My journey started like many others working in the corporate world and I was an IT engineer. From a young age of 21 I realized that this whole system is one big f*cking sham. It made absolutely no sense to me, waking up and going somewhere that I really did not want to go, reporting in to someone who is "higher" than me and battling with thousands of people at the same time every Monday through Friday in the streets or subway. It was incredible to me that everyone was doing the same things at almost the exact same time.

Anyway, I started thinking of making money outside of a paycheck while I was working for a large investment bank downtown Manhattan and I happened to have a seat on the trading floor during the economic crisis in 2007-2008. Some days I'd hear some traders making some big time money and I began wondering about my own pay and how pathetic it was compared to what some people were making in profits. When I got home that day I became obsessed with learning how to trade stocks which eventually led me to trade currencies a year after that. I had lost my Job in 2009 and I did everything I could to learn while I was unemployed and in 2011 after God know how many thousands of hours I put in, I had finally developed my own trading method for the specific currency pair I was focused on. Problem was... I needed more capital.

I was so confident in my method that I looked for any job to rack up some cash and deposit into my brokerage account to put to work. I had landed something at Citi bank but 2 weeks after I received a call for a job at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, I explained that I was not qualified for such a job at the Fed but the guy on the phone said don't worry just come in. landed the spot and began to put money into my account which grew pretty fast. I made $10,000 in 1 week and then started making a few grand here and there on some days, my mind expanded into what the possibilities were and I never looked at making money the same ever again.

As I began getting better, I was a part of a brokerage forum where I could communicate with other traders around the world and I would sometimes post my trades, The moderator laughed at some of my trade calls but he shut up pretty fast and e-mailed me to do a webinar for everyone. Things looked up and I was offered a better position at the Fed but I ended up leaving to focus on trading. Things looked promising, More money was coming in, I was dating a ton of Women and getting to hang out at some really nice spots around NYC. Then……That’s right, it all started slipping through my hands like sand. Eventually at the end of 2014 I lost pretty much everything and I looked back at what went wrong. I stopped focusing on quality trades and forcing stupid ones that led me to bleed dry coupled with not managing my profits properly.

2015 I threw a small self-pity party and had to find another plantation to join and make some money again however I was never fully able to recreate what I did because I was forcing everything to try to get back to that level. I managed to get myself 17K out of the market but again, forcing trades and impulse trades caused my profits to collapse. I began thinking long term and realized to avoid this as much as possible, I need multiple sources of income instead of fully relying on the market giving me trading opportunities everyday (which it doesn’t) and building up paycheck to paycheck is just going to be too slow.

Fast Forward to recent, I've been in contact with a CEO of a supplement company and we've gotten to know each other over some calls, only problem is he was in another city. We bounced ideas for a bit and I proposed we do a commercial promo video for his product and he liked the idea plus i would get commission from overall sales. I was nervous of being on a video that may be viewed by thousands of people but i figured, its time to get out of the comfort zone. F*ck it, Let's do this and I was going to fly out of NYC to a city i never been to or know anyone. When some friends and family heard I was doing this, not one positive thing was said about it. It actually caused me some anxiety with all the negativity I was getting because i was doing something that was outside of a job.

I flew out, met up with the CEO and we hit it off on a business and personal level. great guy and offered some words of advice and said If i had any questions about anything, I could give him a ring or text. The guy is worth millions and has done very well. was impressed that I didn't hesitate to follow through on the overall idea because most people have ideas but it's never followed by action. I hope to build this relationship further not just business wise but personal as well. In the meantime I've been building a drop-shipping ecommerce store and learning from someone who's already done very well with ecommerce. I've always been the do it myself type of guy but I see tremendous value in following a mentor or someone who has done it before you.

Overall, I have learned that in this life you have to just go for it. So much psychological damage is done to so many people teaching them to be slaves. Get up at this time, Punch in at that time, Make sure you take lunch at this time, Make sure you do everything your boss says etc. it's all complete Bullshit.
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Dec 25, 2012
Welcome to the forum!

Stick around. Read some Gold Threads. Ask questions. Give value.

And... Have you read Unscripted ?
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Jun 20, 2018
New York, NY
Welcome to the forum!

Stick around. Read some Gold Threads. Ask questions. Give value.

And... Have you read Unscripted ?

Thanks for the welcome. Greatly appreciated. I have heard the Millionaire Fastlane (Audio Book) and I'm currently listening to the audio book of Unscripted . Fantastic information in both books and I found myself nodding A LOT listening to them because I've thought these things for a very long time. At one point years ago I thought I was crazy lol because it seemed I was the only one thinking like this but it feels good to be involved with a group who is like minded.

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