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[Need advice] My food products seems like going well but...


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May 19, 2016
After struggling in finding the right ventures I found my settle on food business. As I want to be a producer from the beginning so I have developed my own recipes and got them perfected. It is an ancient-authentic local grill pork recipes. The recipes was written by Royal cook since 1853 and no one interest in making them to the market. They contains only natural ingredients and no MSG , yet it still very delicious. Another one is my own special dip to pair with them.

I had zero experienced in food business and it should be much easier if I just purchased already manufacture-made products and just make them grill - selling them. But as MJ said about control in Fastlane so I was persisted to be a producer...with a tight budget. I cannot find a place to set up my own shop. The one I want with a lot of crowd and the right budget to start are already fulled and not open for more shops for now. The one with a cheap fees (or even free to place a shop) are place that no one even visited.

So my first attempt was on Grand sale exhibition event made by local Mall company for 5 days. I expected a lot of sales since this event got a lot of attention, a big known one and of course a big fees involved. Things went well as expected since 9 out of 10 customers whom tasted them instantly purchased and 90% of them are return customer whom purchase afterward every single day until the final day. I have interviewed some of return customers and here are their reason.

1. It tastes delicious and authentic without MSG.

2. Bought it for their kids as safety food without MSG included. Which is pretty hard to find in the market.

3. They cannot find this tastes elsewhere.

Even I made a lot of sales but there are problems lies in there. As zero experience I cannot estimate the right amount to be made for the first day. I don't have a large freezer and not sure about procedure to make them frozen. So I have to make them day by day and yet the third day I realized that I cannot produce them for more than 12 kg. a day. I don't know how the ways that big manufacturer produce their foods big lot ahead.

The results - They are not enough even for sales in daily as demand rises in the third day. They were sold out in a mid day. But even they are all sold out but all revenue made by those sales are just enough to cover the place fees. In other words - I cannot supply enough demand and lost a chance to made a big revenue in a big event.

After 5 days end I realized I have to revise all my plans and here is my conclusion and need your advice.

1. I will re-position them as a healthy food that best for mom and kids or anyone who want to avoid MSG contains food. The fact is, 99% of my country restaurants / street foods are made their foods with MSG included. MSG is actually not a bad thing but 80-90% of them use it too much and MSG allergy are already rising. A big concerns for many mom who doesn't want their kids to eat that kind of food.

2. I know the way to make them quality in frozen state so I will make them freeze in a vacuum bag and selling them online for now. Since they are in this state it can be kept for weeks in chill state or even months in frozen state. This could be good for both me and customers. I can make a lot of them ahead without worrying about rotten, decay or any negatives side.

3. My aim for a long term for manufacturer of quality frozen food, deliciously without MSG included. I'm thinking about franchising them as well but not sure if this is a right path to do it.

The products, both that grill pork and special dip, has a lot of potential. I just need to plan a proper way for their move. Thank you in advance for any advice you may have.
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Jul 27, 2017
I don't have experience in this industry but I will answer as a potential customer :

Why not positioning your product as authentic healthy food ? For me the fact that this is an old recipe and I can't find this taste somewhere else is as important as your product having no GMS.

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