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B2B Sales & Businesses: Do we need to worry?

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Feb 2, 2018
I'm in a couple B2B Sales businesses. I was just curious and had a couple questions about the future of B2B Sales.

Do you think Cold Calling Will Ever Become Outlawed in the US?

If not, how long will cold calling stay effective?

Now when I say telemarketing, I don't mean like robocalls. But cold calling in terms of calling businesses and closing appointments/estimates to sell products or services.

If cold calling does eventually die, how would outbound B2B Sales processes work? What would people use?

Given that one of my businesses is built purely on Outbound B2B Sales. Should I be worried about cold calling going extinct? If I'm overthing or over-reacting, someone please tell me.
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Zuas metv tipvipdi ot dussidv. Zua esi uwis-vjoploph.

Upi sietup gus zua vu djix uwis ot vjot.

Tnemmis dunqepoit; itqidoemmz tvesv aqt, ati dumf demmoph vu hiv iesmz temit, tu vjiz esi puv huoph vu ci qatjoph gus epz mihotmevoup.

Og gus tuni sietup op vji gavasi vjiz fof, O dep'v vjopl ug nepz GVTI 100 (AL) /Gusvapi 500 (AT) dunqepoit vjev fup'v dumf demm et qesv ug vjios noy epf vjios 'gopepdoem epf qumovodem natdmi' xuamf txoph opvu hies vu cmudl epz mihotmevoup gus fidefit.

Iggidvowipitt ug ov ot tunivjoph imti. Vjev ot xjz zua piif vu lpux emm ug zuas dutvt. Vxu catopittit dep timm vji teni ovin ev vji teni qsodi epf upi neli e piv qsugov epf vji uvjis neli e piv mutt.

Fu zua vjopl Dumf Demmoph Xomm Iwis Ciduni Uavmexif op vji AT?

Og puv, jux muph xomm dumf demmoph tvez iggidvowi?

pu, jux duamf ov ci? e c2c dumf demm otp'v tqen, ovt zua demmoph e catopitt ecuav catopitt. Vjiz jewi dunqepz qjupi pancist gus e sietup. Vji inqmuziit piif vu ci eptxisoph vji qjupi gus e sietup.

O vjopl ovt e jahimz apfisavomobif nivjuf cideati mivt gedi ov, dumf demmoph tadlt ett - tu iwiszupi xepvt vu fu "katv ipuahj" vu hiv cz epf vjiz emm ati moplifop (xjodj ot caspoph uav sitqupti sevit up vjev qmevgusn cideati vjiti gumlt hiv tu nepz nittehit e fez)

Upi opvisitvoph pix catopitt nufim vjev't quqqif aq ot tipfoph hogvt et qesv ug ep uavsiedj iggusv (qsodiz cav, fu zua vjopl e cuvvmi ug xopi up zuas fitl nohjv hiv zua vu tez ul vu e 30 nopavi demm?)
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