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work ethics

  1. B

    Does it take time to develop a 18 hour work ethic?

    I'm a 19-year-old from Bangladesh (third world country) and studying in 2nd Year of A levels (12th Grade). Currently, along with my hard studies, I'm creating content for my Youtube Channel in which I'm focusing on Quality over quantity like @Valier and learning Java to build up my...
  2. D

    How to deal with non-contributing business partner?

    I am having a real problem right now. My business partner and I are developing a SaaS product. We do not have customers yet. Though, our actual product is almost finished, we have approximately 85% of the functionality implemented. With my work ethics, I am confident we could finish by Oktober...
  3. Nils_

    I have energy but no goal!

    Hey ! After reading the millionaire fastlane, I decided to join the forum to get some new impressions of other people with the same goal and mindset. Right now I'm 19 years old and graduated from school last week. I'm from Germany, so the school system is probaply a little different from the...
  4. Dana Taylor

    Hello from Malta - When do we move on or keep going?

    Hi Everyone - I am now based in Malta from the UK and just threw myself into a new country. However I am in a 9-5 and building a website online to bring in a residual income. Yet I am not seeing as much progress - not sure if the market really wants it..well they clearly do i have competitors...
  5. B

    Clear financial goals(power of setting written goals)

    Hi All , In MJ's first book ,he talks about deciding exact amount of money which you will require to become financially free . Below here I am putting amount which I will need to become financially free forever : 2 Crore INR . I aim to achieve this figure ASAP. I may win or I may fail but I...
  6. EatMan

    How to Manage Your Self as a Self-Employee?

    Hello! So after reading Unscripted and TMF, I've decided to pursue CENTS Entrepreneurship. I know what I'd like to create, and what I need to learn to create it. The end goal and the steps to get there is (quite long, but) clear. But I have a problem: Going from a scripted college student with...
  7. SvvyDO

    How to deal with burn out? Am I just being a b*tch?

    So working on my 5th and final revision of my first ebook (70k+ words) for the past 6-8 months, I have a couple days where I can't get anything done no matter how hard I try, and even if I do, the quality is subpar... So I've been thinking... Is it just all in my head? Is it something I can...
  8. Millenial_Kid5K1

    66 Days to Success

    About a week ago I was stuck in a car for 12 hours, and ended up reading Elon Musk's biography. I was really struck by his work habits when he was building his first business, Zip2. Apparently he would sleep next to his desk, and work from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. Now...
  9. Kabylfx

    How did you discipline yourself?

    I think we are all aware that motivation never lasts long and that killer work ethics only come through self-discipline. I've been working towards achieving that mindset for the past month and was wondering how some of you guys might have done it.