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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. Fox

    Your Biggest Lesson from 2023...?

    The year is nearly up.. what did you learn? --- My biggest lesson is that time is insanely valuable. And building the use of your time into your "final" business system is a huge mistake, but very easy to make. The goal has to be to use time to build a system that will work as much as...
  2. Andrés08

    What would y'all do if you were 16?

    Would you get a job? Would you start a business? Would you focus on High School? What would you guys do if you could go back years in time and be 16 again?
  3. Antifragile

    Things I learned and want to tell myself at “28”.

    Back to the present: things I learned and want to tell myself. There are threads that “if you could tell your 20 year old self” … this is for a little later stage in life. This came from a DM discussion where a forum member who happens to be that age asked what advice I would give him (or my...
  4. wyattnorton

    Teach Me Something: The Best Way to Learn

    Fastlaners, I am sure you have heard that teaching others or learning something to teach others is one of the best ways to learn. I know that at times when I am delving into a subject and I discuss it with friends and family, I begin to learn it more and more. Even if I am incorrect when...
  5. Saad Khan

    Don't Question Life Wisdom

    Today, after 5 months of setting off the Fastlane journey, I realized I haven't gotten the results I expected. Why? It's because I questioned wisdom. I chose to act like a high intellect guy that knows everything and plans everything with mathematical precision. I chose to follow baseless...
  6. MakeItHappen

    I have just found a list of 22 fastlane-tips on my hard drive - Add your one-liners of FL wisdom

    I have just found a list of 22 fastlane-tips on my hard drive, which I saved from the forum some time ago and I thought the tips might be worth sharing. What have you learned? Let's add together a list of one-liners that compress fastlane wisdom which we have gained through the forum/MJ's...
  7. G

    Getting into Web Design

    So currently I'm taking an online Udemy course. It's the complete WordPress Buisness course. It's pretty good so far. Not finished but I'm going to feel lazy for asking this but, is there any wisdom to be shared about website design that I may need to know? Usually I don't like to ask simple...
  8. Seth G.

    The Ultimate Time Hacking Guide

    This is a copy of my reply to another post in Fastlane. I realized that the content here might be useful to the community at large. Thus the repost (with necessary edits). Please, by all means add your own hacks/wisdom/advice. I expect this to grow and change over time and will be adding quotes...
  9. G

    A list of what an entrepreneur ABSOLUTELY needs.

    So I am pursuing entrepreneurship. I'm looking to create a website of my own where I connect other business' together and will offer various products and things to sell. I haven't even created a business plan or even done the full blown execution of planning a business. I'm looking into the...
  10. Geekour

    There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing

    Hey there Fastlaner (or soon to be one). Yes you. I have a message for you should you care to hear it. No matter where you are in the world, you are zooming past everyone and everything in your life. Everything from your everyday choices, decisions, business, and those dear to you. Not paying...
  11. Danny reds

    Lunch with a Mentor!

    Who would you want to have a 1 hr lunch with? You can only pick one out of the top 5 in my opinion. MJ Demarco Grant Cardone Zig Ziglar Gary Vee Andy Frisella I know i can list so many more but these mentors impacted my life the most.
  12. Danny reds

    Trying to live UNSCRIPTED

    It doesn’t matter what mirror you look in. You will see the same reflection. You will be the same person until you change the person inside. You’ve probably seen my name and wondered if it was real. My name is Daniel Rojas but picked up the name Danny Reds growing up. Growing up I had a good...
  13. Blue Lion

    What would you tell your 18 or 25 year old self?

    For you 25 yr old+ guys out there, if you could go back in time, and tell your 25 year old self something, what would you say?