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validate idea

  1. MexicanCreator48

    SEO Consulting idea didn’t worked out as planned, how to find better places to validate a business idea?

    Hello everyone, I have been implementing the advice of the book of The Millionaire Weekend by Noah Kagan and one of my ideas I wanted to experiment on was doing SEO consulting for smaller websites but this didn’t work. I have promoted my services using two social media websites: 1. FB groups...
  2. O

    How can I identify and validate a niche for a micro SaaS while balancing a 9-to-5 job?

    This might have been asked in various ways but.. How can I identify and validate a niche for a micro SaaS while balancing a 9-to-5 job? I seem to be missing this part since I have read a number of books, watched different materials for success stories, have a goal like reaching X as side income...
  3. BlackLands

    Evaluating Your Business Idea: A Series of Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself

    Hi guys, these days I have invested time in creating a list of questions that I will need to validate each business idea before investing time and money in it. These questions were partly taken from here, partly from books and conversations with different experts in the field. I would like to...
  4. D

    Soft proof

    Hy guys I have a little problem with the validation of my idea. I want to create a website where I compare the prices of some products in a particular industry. The Google Keyword Planner tool shows that there is a market for my product. There are between 10 - 100 thousand searches per month. I...
  5. JasperDeMuynck

    Please help me with my positioning! [Unique opportunity in return]

    Hi Fastlaners! I need help with my tagline. I wrote down 3 options: Helping ambitious entrepreneurs perform at their absolute best so they can effectively scale their business without sacrificing their personal life; Helping ambitious entrepreneurs maximize their performance and their...
  6. Taktik

    Do I need to test a business idea when I add value skews to an existing product?

    Hello, I am currently building a functional food and supplement company. I am trying to do that via value skewing (like MJ mentioned in a video on his YouTube channel). So I am taking an existing product and I try to create as many positive value skews as possible to win the value competition...

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