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  1. Niptuck MD

    How failing sports franchises still draw sellout crowds

    In terms of brand building, we witness several franchises in sports (primarily football) that fail continuously and yet still sell out stadiums week after week. This really perplexes me. The brand and tradition is so enriched in the bloods of the viewers and ticket holders that people dont mind...
  2. 100k

    Get Strategic Executable Expert Advice From Millionaire(s) For As Little As $5/min.

    Jesus H. Christ Look at this site I came across: Clarity — On Demand Business Advice You can get the phone with EXPERTS that know pretty much ANY field you are in, or contemplating to get into and ask them anything you want! Here is Ryan Holiday's profile.... this guy a millionaire, I read...
  3. Niptuck MD

    strategizing a resolution to a complex dilemma

    I am having difficulty executing part of my long term plan; I have several key contacts in various parts of the world that source important high end raw materials and products that the west primarily needs but my dilemma presently is finding a buyer. Are there resources or databases and how to...