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start with why

  1. T

    Start with Why by Simon Sinek and How to find your Why!

    I recently read Simon Sinek's book "Start with Why" and I can honestly say it's one of the best books I've ever read. Everything just instantly made sense while reading it. I'd love to start a thread to just discuss the ideas in the book and how it applies to The Fastlane life and any expansions...
  2. NeatStranger

    Just getting started

    Hello and thank you for Reading, I have been going over TMF, and Unscripted for the last few months as they seem to embody all of my beliefs as an entrepreneur. Just over the last few weeks I have put together my first online service, built from a need in the family business. Looking for some...
  3. Cyberdeth

    Start with the why

    I just watched this TED talk by Simon Sinek where he describes his golden circle which basically says that all sales and basically a business' purpose, should really start with one question. Why? What do you think about it? How great leaders inspire action
  4. Stevie Drive

    DONE Is Better Than Perfect (The '7 Out of 10' Rule)

    Alright, let me ask you a question. How many times have you beaten yourself up because you think your effort wasn't good enough? Many times? Well you're not alone. I did a talk about this in front of a business class I was invited to speak before and I can assure you sooo many people suffer...
  5. Tarma

    Start With WHY

    People don't buy WHAT you do they buy WHY you do it. I read the book. I must confess I believe this statement, but I'm not sure about little new businesses and I have little experience. I'd be very curious what the more experienced entrepreneurs on here think about this. Simon Sinek's TED Talk: