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  1. RedCloud

    Making sacrifice: how the hell do I do that?

    I'm in a bit of a pickle. A time pickle. I am in my second year at university, 12 hours of lectures per week, plenty more take home work, spending time with friends, commuting, going to the gym, and more. HOW DO I FIT IT ALL IN WHILE DEVELOPING A BUSINESS?! As I understand it, if you want...
  2. Hai

    Do you work 5 days/week or 7 days/week?

    Wondering! Back then I was pulling 7 days/week without any off days. It´s great to keep the flow. However I´ve been experimenting with 5 days/week lately. Saturdays for recreational activities and Sundays as an off day mostly doing planning or calming activities. How does your week look like?
  3. KonstantinosFF

    Saving the world before 10 a.m.

    I'm currently doing a research to see what are the biggest issues entrepreneurs face when it comes to productivity with the time that is given to you. That is why I have two very simple questions: 1. what is that keeps you up at night thinking of your personal efficiency as an entrepreneur? 2...
  4. Patrick Jones

    Satistime - Work like a Boss. Sleep like a Baby.

    Hello fellow fastlaners, I'd like to share with you the progress of my first product: Satistime Development on the tool started over a year ago. Back then I was frustrated with the existing todo list solutions, as none of them allowed me to schedule my todos. I could set due dates, but no...
  5. pausebreak

    Chrome App to Take Notes in New Tab

    Hi all, here is my first post to this forum, i hope it works :) Here is very simple free chrome app that everyone here might like to use. You can create to do list for your self with checkboxes and take quick notes in your browsers new tab. I really appreciate the creator of this thing which...
  6. LokoVibre

    Schedule, Manage, and Automate your social media

    I joined this forum over 2 years while in college. Since then I started my first online business, Tails Casual Outfitters. That generated money which I used to develop and sell an iOS app. During both of these bootstrapped companies, I ran into a ton of problems growing my social media after a...