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  1. MattL

    Great apps, tools, software... What do you use?

    Inspired by @Andy Black mentioning in some other thread and it looking like a fantastic solution... I thought we'd put all these recommendations and suggestions into one thread? Easier to find and share. Here are some I've heard good things about/used myself:
  2. Brett Beckwith

    Utilizing the Internet

    I've recently started my path as an entrepreneur, and I'm trying to learn new things to add to my toolbelt of skills. As discussed in TMF, utilizing the internet can lead to a lot of opportunities, such as providing some sort of online service. One example was a service that told you the...
  3. R

    7 Podcasts to Make You the Boss in 2018

    Hey all, was just reading this article on Business Insider about podcasts to listen to you up your hustle and wanted to share the resource! Whether you're starting your own business or just looking to change roles, I think there's a little something for everyone. (Plus, podcasts are great for...
  4. J

    Came across a powerful piece of a software for wanna be manufactories, want to share it

    Here it is Next-Gen PLC Training Software with FACTORY I/O It's factory maker software. Very mind blowing stuff