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  1. T

    Stay in the same business or quit to create a new one ?

    Hi everybody, My name is Teo, I'm from Switzerland, and I just came into this Fastlane Forum. I'm very pleased to be part of this community with determined people who want to achieve big things in their life. I have a question in my mind, and I need advices to know which way to choose between...
  2. D

    Baby steps

    Hello everyone, I don't really know how to start this post, So I will just get right into the subject: I just deleted the YouTube app from my phone, which was the last social media/entertainment app I kept. While for most people, that might not sound like a big step, for me it is huge: About...
  3. R

    What are some indicators that you are ready to quit your 9-5 job?

    I've been facing some FTEs and Its starting to get more frequent as I get older but I only have a 6-month emergency fund and no 2nd source of income. I'm a little concerned about quitting before I should, so what are some green lights? I know that there is no guarantee but I guess that some more...
  4. A

    I'm done waiting to be rich, LOL.

    I've been here two years and have nothing to show for it, I don't blame anyone but myself but hanging around here any longer is a waste of time. Time is ticking and life is going by, I want to enjoy my life and I'm no longer waiting to be rich before that happens. I'm leaving, bye.
  5. xposedplus

    Can't Wait To Tell My Boss I Quit

    This might be too familiar, but this is my reality. I'm a High School Teacher in Vancover BC, Canada, and there is no single day I don't tell myself I'm done with this. I'm still under 30 and I can feel the entrepreneurial fire burning strong in my veins. Reading Millionaire's Fastlane, I was...
  6. Joe Cassandra

    Building a Second Income Before the Second Kid

    SELF-EMPLOYED ---> NEEDS MORE AUTOMATED SALES: I was talking with a client last week...he had just gotten back from a 2-week vacation in Maine (beautiful state!). He was a bit flustered. Right now, 90% of his revenue each month comes from doing LIVE webinars. These webinars work great...but...