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  1. Telamon25346

    3 years in the forum.... just made over $10,000 in 2 weeks at 17 years old.

    I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll begin with the book that set this all in effect. I had always known people made money online, but I didn't know how. I was 15 years old, It feels like forever ago, but I remember at the time I had been really interested in wanting to make money...
  2. B. Cole

    Small Wins

    Caught an article today that reminded me of process vs. event. Why Small Wins Matter Most of us start with monumental aspirations - place our event neatly at our bow, and soon find ourselves paddling frantically against a sea of overwhelm, kicked up as the headwinds of process pound a...
  3. A

    Should I dumb down my content for people like @vigilante and @imgal?

    So I've been getting a lot of feedback lately that my writing is too long. My blog posts, email newsletter, guest articles on various websites, and you see some of it here. @Vigilante and @Imgal - commented on the length of it. GOLD - I'm sorry, but this is going to be painful for a lot of...