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  1. RicardoGrande

    Hitting the escape button, running for the life boats... Unscripting as a young Millenial!

    Hey TFF!:) You can call me Ricardo, I'm a 20 something caveman that's trying to spark the flint of business and create the fire of value and productocracy! I entered the workforce in IT after college, and immediately got smashed with the weight of the slowlane lie. I became depressed quick and...
  2. H

    A millennial seeking advice

    Hi fastlaners, I am an ambitious yet somewhat directionless 25-year-old seeking for your advice. Two years ago, I quit my job and hopped on the entrepreneurial journey. Over these past 2 years, I've been jumping from one stuff to another, didn't persist on anything that I initially started. I...
  3. Naseem myles


    I've just finished the millionaire fastlane book and I must say it's the greatest book I've ever read. I'm 19 and I've been productive on working on my business. I need a little advise with going forward with my franchise. It's a millennial based clothing company about fun and being yourself. As...
  4. Dan Willis

    If you don't have your head wrapped around these foundational Entrepreneur concepts, you will fail

  5. K

    23 Year Old Successful Real Estate Investor Looking To Influence

    Hey Guys! My Name Is Kevin Ramirez I am a real estate investor in Raleigh, NC I focus on rehabbing and wholesaling (mainly wholesaling) single family homes and small multifamily I join the group specifically to see if there is a group of people who are in my situation or are working towards...
  6. Scot

    Sure, let’s blame capitalism

    So this post came across my Facebook news feed today. The post title was something to the effect of “This is capitalism for you. Actual job posting...” The comments section was full of people complaining about minimum wage, how they had jobs with low pay but high qualifications, etc. The...
  7. Shamar Value

    New Member from jamaica with a serious Question

    Hi, My name is Shamar, I currently reside in the City of Chicago. I have a serious problem at hand and I do need some guidance (Humbly) Now, I've to notice that the Millenial Generation don't have many options... at least the poor ones. I am one of them. my father was a drug dealer and my...