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market strategy

  1. Alex.Ra

    I need your help For my app, can someone reply ?

    INTRODUCTION: Currently, my friend and I are developing an app called Frizda, which will have a similar system as AirBNB. There will be Frizda normal where regular households will be able to filter the best businesses (I won’t name the precise business type for evident reasons) around them...
  2. Yanezez

    Couldn't Market to My Niche

    Hello all, Wanted to ask advise on how some of you would solve this problem. I don't mean this to be a 'solve my issue, I don't want to do the work' sort of deal. I just finished Unscripted and wrote down a lot of mistakes I've done. I am trying to sell some politically-themed shirts in...
  3. Pranav_Banerjee

    Building my SaaS Project.

    Hey guys. So, I have come up with a SaaS project idea that will cater to hiring managers in organizations. The tools will help them smoothen out the entire hiring process. Now, I spoke to the HR manager of the organization where I am working currently and he says this can be really helpful to...
  4. MaxT

    AARRR Framework : Another way to build a better SaaS, Apps, Website project.

    Hello everyone, I don't know if it has already been presented here but I thought that for people starting a project it might be useful to share this framework. To summarize, it is a framework to help you segment your project to improve the following points: Acquisition, Activation, Retention...
  5. JtBreeze

    How to promote an online business?

    Hi, I'm interested in starting an online store probably through shopify. I know what type of products that I'd like to sell and which manufacturer that I'd contact. But before I pull the trigger and start spending money I'd like to ask if anyone has ideas on the best ways to promote and market...
  6. ryangilchrist

    Super Simple Market Research Strategy You Might Like

    Hello Fellow Fastlaners, I’ve considered a few different ideas about how to create my fastlane business and mainly generate my strategies by studying the online marketer Russell Brunson… I’ve got some pretty good ideas and wanted to share the strategy I'm currently attempting: Here's The...
  7. 100k

    How To Break Into A Competitive Market!

    There's already a great gold thread on the subject by the ice cream kid that you should check out if you haven't already - but here's another entrepreneur that shares his knowledge on the subject that you'll want watch. Enjoy & share your thoughts below. TL;DR..... Find the main pain point /...