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  1. furman

    Is the Crypto Cycle Ending? Key Signals and Market Overheating Indicators to Watch by Year-End

    Why do some people make 10x profits in crypto while others see their investments vanish? Would you like to be a winner or a loser? The crypto market is like a game where if you win, someone else has to lose. It’s all about knowing more, acting faster, and having better insights. As we approach...
  2. JNagtegaal

    When did you start investing with some big bucks?

    Hi guys (and ladies), I’ve been wondering about this for some time, investing and making some passive income all seems like fun. But it’s clear that this only truly works when you invest some big chunks of money. So my question is: At what amount of income/net worth did you start investing...
  3. RealDreams

    investing in the stock market does not seem right

    So after building a business that makes 50k in gross revenue on average a month (last month 10-20k more), I decided to put around 100k in the stock market. Almost a month later, after realizing how slow this money will grow, I cannot but feel this whole thing is a "scam". Or said better, my...
  4. RealDreams

    At what point should you park (invest) your fastlane earnings?

    So I recently watched this video by MJ View: , and it made a lot of sense to me. I have around 90k euros which I took out in dividends from my fastlane venture just recently and was about to invest them in the S&P 500 (and maybe...
  5. T

    What market to focus on in Wholesaling Real Estate?

    Hello everyone, Im 22 and currently active duty stationed in a small town kinda in the middle of nowhere. Im a complete beginner and was having trouble finding leads consistently in my area. The closest big city is the Dallas / Fort Worth area 2 hours away, should I focus on that market even...
  6. DeNero

    How I Turned $2k Into $10,000,000 in Less than 1 Year, Lost Most of it 2 Years Later, and my Plan Going Forward to make it all back X10 — MY STORY

    Hey there and thank you for stopping by! (WARNING: This is a LONG read) My name is DeNero, and as my first post on here, I wanted to start off by introducing myself and sharing a bit about who I am and my story. I remember first reading TMF in the summer 2016 (and Unscripted a few years...
  7. M

    Investment Curiosity

    Hi all, Hope all good! I’ve a simple question/curiosity Where are you currently investing? What stocks or ETFs have you decided to follow or are you currently monitoring?
  8. Vasudev Soni

    Unconventional Investments (What's Your Boldest Move?)

    Ever made any risky, innovative, out-of-the-box investments that paid off big time? Share your most daring financial moves, from the stock market to real estate to crypto to unique ventures. Anything that has paid off 10x, 20x, or even 100x. :bicep: Let's celebrate making smart investments and...
  9. N

    Payment gateway explained: How do I set it up?

    Hi! I am currently trying to set up a customer payment gateway. Maybe someone has faced with the configuration? Do you have any information?
  10. SUBHAN

    Invented product

    How to introduce to the world about Invent ed product ?
  11. polaroid22

    100K cash

    Hi guys, You have 100K cash, what do you do with it and when? Was thinking about investing in some real estate. But I think if I wait a bit longer, better deals will come along (allthough I expect all prices to move higher due to inflation, but in bad times people will be pressured more to...
  12. Gregory Diehl

    Seeking Beta Readers For A Book On Rental Property Investing

    I'm looking for a few beta readers for a book my company is producing about building wealth through rental property investing in America. Please comment below or message me if your interested in leaving some critical feedback on all or part of it, and I'll give you access to the shared Google...
  13. Gregory Diehl

    Seeking Beta Readers for a Book on Rental Property Investing

    I'm looking for a few beta readers for a book my company is producing about building wealth through rental property investing in America. Please comment below or message me if your interested in leaving some critical feedback on all or part of it, and I'll give you access to the shared Google...
  14. fastlane_dad

    The Most Important Non-Fastlane Thread You will Ever Read (Investing Content Inside)

    This thread is not super FASTLANE inspired - but if there is one non-fastlane thread that you pay attention to and take action on THIS IS IT. If your plan IS to make FASTLANE money – you should start building your mental game to handle that money -- starting TODAY and I will show you exactly...
  15. P

    How i blew almost all my life savings and how it helped me become financially independent!

    greetings fellow fastlaners today i want to introduce myself by taking you with me on my little journey it all started 14 years ago, when i realized that i wanted to take part of this investment thing. to be clear i wanted to become rich the quick and easy way (yes i was a total slowlaner) by...
  16. IronGoat

    What would you do with $250k?

    Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm interested in the opinions of savvy investors and entrepreneurs on my situation. Upon the sale of a rental property I stand to make about $250k net after tax and commissions. For a bit of history, I had my FTE last summer and left a six-figure career to...
  17. MJ DeMarco

    I have $X thousands to invest, what do I do? What book do I read?

    This is relevant to every discussion on this forum related to investing a small dollar amount... $1000, $10000, and even $50,000. Learning "investing" at this stage of your progress is an EPIC WASTE OF TIME. For the love of God, stop reading books on how to invest $10K so you can turn it into...
  18. Acridtj

    Opinions on 2022 house hacking?

    Good afternoon everyone. I'm new to the forum and just recently have been listening to the millionaire fast lane. I've always wanted more in ln life and have been more inspired lately to forge my own path. I would love your options and advice on currently using house hacking as a way to get...
  19. J

    Make $10k/month from Crypto [STRATEGY + CASE STUDIES REVEALED]

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been on the forum and things have been going well. My marketing agency is up and running & we're closing in on $10k/month, with the goal to hit $85k/month by the end of 2022. (maybe do a thread on this soon). Anyways... I've also been in crypto since...
  20. FNeu

    Established Business, but fairly new to entrepreneurship still

    Hey my name is Freddy and I have been running my own real estate business/investments since March 2020 and it is all remote work. I am 26 and from a small town in Colorado, went to college in Arkansas, and now live in San Antonio, TX. I have an entrepreneurial spirit so strong now I don't know...