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Build a Fastlane business. Earn real financial freedom. Live your best life.

Tired of paying for dead communities hosted by absent gurus who don't have time for you?

Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. C.Craigie

    First Post

    Hi all, my first post on the forum but I'm eagerly excited to see what likeminded Fastlaners (of course I have to earn the right to be called a Fastlaner)have to say and maybe get some good interactions on my future posts. First of all thank you MJ for creating an absolute gold mine in terms...
  2. A

    The Path I am on

    Hey, This is my first post ever on here. Ive read all of MJ's books, finding Rat Race and Fastlane the most interesting. A little about my own path and anything that can help on that path would be great! I am graduated from a top uni in Australia, with an Economics Degree. Half way through...
  3. B

    20yo college student running "own window cleaning biz" on weekends

    I probably run a "business" on the "dead" side and want to be more ethical. Hello all, I'm a 20yo male. 3rd year computer science major. I made a decision before reading unscripted to complete college. I'm all As, and I really like work and education in the field. I've been learning and...
  4. M

    First fast steps

    Hello everyone my name is Michael I am study at home student in the recent days I had a great Idea that could change the the dating app game and I am currently giving myself to it it's the first times I am seriously trying and studying, after reading the book I decided (and I knew for a lot...
  5. L

    Overwhelmed and Impressed: My Rollercoaster of First Impressions on the Forum!

    Hi, my name is Lukas, I'm 18 and I am new to TheFastlaneForum, I've read MJ's books, "the millionaire Fastlane" and "unscripted" where he often mentioned his very own forum. So I thought, why not take part in some discussions, read some posts, and see what others pursuing the path I might strive...
  6. E

    13 Year Old Entrepreneur Asking For Advice

    Hey guys, I'm a 13-year-old entrepreneur who mowed lawns this summer. I'm learning about digital marketing right know. I've read Unscripted and The Great Rat Race Escape both awesome books. I'm looking to start now my CENTS business. I just still can't get business ideas. I've applied the stuff...
  7. Mester

    0 conversion rate - when should I give up

    Hi I'm new to the forum, sorry if I chose the wrong section, but I'm still learning how to navigate through this. About 2 months ago I started dropshipping (with shopify). I've spent some money on advertising since then, but I've also expanded social media. I focused on tiktok, youtube and...
  8. TitoMan

    My introduction

    Hello everyone, My nickname is Tito and that's what I'll go by in here. I'll be sharing a tidbit about myself and a question I have for you all. I'm an 18 yr old college sophomore studying computer science. Worked a lot of odd jobs since I was 15. I thought I struck gold when I found out...
  9. dadpuberty

    Video producer saying hello

    hello. I am a man living in Korea. I lost my business two years ago as a video producer. So far, my day has been to pay off debt. Now my mind has come to relax and I have started a life of reading again. I know this forum has a lot of very valuable threads. I can't speak English, so I'm...
  10. v1nci

    First forum post

    Well hello there. I'm Chris, I'm from Poland, I live in a small-town called Ciechanów, which is relatively near to Warsaw, the capital city. I also lived in Warsaw, Cracow, Kielce in many different apartments so someone might say that "I traveled". I come from a small village (like 300-500...
  11. Wendy-Russo

    Wendy Post #1 The Best Introduction That Ever Was

    Hello, i am Wendy, I am a 6'3 French girl with a very strong accent, and as all respectable French people i want to be Rich to inflate my huge ego, eat cheese and drink baguettes I am midway through Unscripted, and i read somewhere that i am supposed to finish both books before i post, but...
  12. Roysc

    Forum newby

    Hi fastlaners / future fastlaners, First time here on the forum. I was looking for like minded people locally and realised it’s more practical to pay a visit to this site. I hope I can help a lot of you and the other way around from now on. Roy - The Netherlands
  13. A

    Press Start With ME (Mark)

    I remember when I was a kid at school, we were being asked every year, on our first day back from the summer break, to introduce ourselves to the rest of the classroom. I had this teacher one year who asked us to say at the end of our introduction what job we wanted to have when older. At the...
  14. JP Alvis

    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone! I'm JP and I've read TMF about 3 years ago but sadly I can't think of any real/valuable action I took applying the ideas from it (just nodding and go on with my life) I'm currently reading UNSCRIPTED and looking back I'm decided to leave the action-faking behind and acknowledge...
  15. Phillip Lopez

    New here...

    Hey guys, Phil here and I'm new. I'm a marketer from Dallas, Texas and it'd be cool to connect with some peeps here. Not much into forums really, this is really the only one I'm paying any attention to currently. So... all that jazz. ~ Phillip Lopez a.k.a...