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  1. T

    Stay in the same business or quit to create a new one ?

    Hi everybody, My name is Teo, I'm from Switzerland, and I just came into this Fastlane Forum. I'm very pleased to be part of this community with determined people who want to achieve big things in their life. I have a question in my mind, and I need advices to know which way to choose between...
  2. Lex DeVille

    FTE's Are The Catalyst, Not the Change.

    Today you realize life is shit. You have no money. Your boss is an a**hole. You hate your job. Your family thinks you're a loser. You're drowning under a pile of debt. Your girlfriend left you for a real man with a real job and a real body or whatever. But unlike other days, today is different...
  3. D

    Getting a slowlane job VS starting right away

    It'd be awesome to have some advice from people that already went through this. End of June, I'll graduate and hesitate between going for entrepreneurship or get a slowlane job first to gain experience and see what the real world looks like. The business idea I have is not the simplest (French...

    How to Make the Right Fastlane Decision in an Agony of Choices?

    My question for the WADM fortune teller was more concretely: "How can I provide for the family (Income) and still get the most out for my fastlane journey." The fastlane journey being an internet business or application of some kind. I want to start building this business from zero as soon as...
  5. YeZi

    Hello :)

    I'm just a common student of South Korea, 19. Before I read 'the Book', I think I must get a Master's degree...(even in Switzerland! the course demands nealy $250,000, and when added my bachelor's degree in Korea, I'm spending $350,000~ $400,000 to get a $30,000 salary!!! Though my job doesn't...
  6. Gepi

    Fastlaners of TFLF, what are the 3 main choices that led to your success?

    Greetings everyone, I am always very curious about successful people's habits and daily activities. Maybe some of you are willing to share the TOP 3, which could either be things you do daily or a choice you consciously made once. I am interested in the essence of what you think had or has the...
  7. D

    A South African needing CUL.

    Good day to all. My name is Dumisani from South Africa.I worked for a national broadcaster and got tired of working. It is time for me to own my time and money. The real question for me is SELL WHAT ONLINE?I have not firgured out my niche however I am interested in the Jucing business. I am...
  8. windchaser

    Shall I buy my freedom or delay my dream?

    Hi guys, I am committed to switching to the fast lane, already have the idea and I am on track with the execution but a decision I made in the recent past is preventing me from taking action now and I need to make a crucial decision and would like to hear some opinions and advice. Long story...
  9. Rickchise23

    How Almost Dying Changed My Life

    I posted recently about choices in this forum in The Biggest Lesson I Learned from TMFL- The Impact of Choices I thought I'd also share the following story about just how I got to my breaking point and hopefully you may get to your own a bit easier... Thursday February 19th, 2015 9:08 PM...
  10. Supa

    Be that SOMEONE

    Hey guys and gals! :) I know it's been a while. Personal life and working on a new product kept me pretty busy lately. Another reason that I faded more into the background reading is that I don't have much advice to give lately, since I'm just starting out with this product, something I never...
  11. Nicoknowsbest

    Friday Night Glory

    It's 7:35 pm here and my phone was humming and buzzing all day from all the messages and updates of people planning their Friday Night Glory. I disconnected my phone from my Wifi to make the madness stop. Movie nights, club nights, dinner dates or just having the occasional...