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  1. P

    Banking: Receiving large internation transfers without hiccups

    Hello, I work in logistics and we're starting to get bigger deals from international clients in the EU. To prevent getting cut out of deals, we sometimes accept the entire payment upfront and assign the work to contractors. The deals are getting bigger... And so now we're worried about the...
  2. BizyDad

    What I Learned Being A Banker & Interviewing 2k Businesses

    My first thread. Exciting. So over in this thread, I made a case for new folks who don’t know what their Fastlane looks like, to consider banking as a job as they figure it out. You can read why there, but long story short, it’s a place business owners come to talk about money. You can ask...
  3. T

    Financial Coach/Mentor?

    Hello all, I’m humbly asking for help. I don’t know if this is the right forum to ask this in, but if not please direct me to the right forum. I’m struggling with finances. I’m over spending, not happy with my job, and definitely not getting paid what I’m worth. I’m up to my eye balls in...
  4. Johnny Bravo

    Ten Years in the Making!

    For your reading enjoyment, I present to you the final steps of an idea I have had burrowed into my mind for nearly a decade. Thanks in part to new technologies, a series of amazing choices, and a little motivation from people like MJ, I am on the final leg of my journey to a cash generating...
  5. Roli

    Cheapest Solution For Sending USD $$ From Europe/UK to China

    At the moment I am being charged a premium by my bank to send USD to China. This morning the advertised tourist rate was £1 = $1.29. My bank gave me $1.24 costing me over £50 on a relatively small transfer. Just wondering what my other UK and Euro fastlaners do in this situation? I'm with...