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  1. M

    Starting an online business alone (Web-developer / SPA / PWA)

    Hello, I haven't really been active on here before. I read TMF and Unscripted a while ago and that was also the reason I started coding >1.5 Years ago. Now that I gathered some experience I am curious about starting an own business. My development skills focus on building Front End...
  2. F

    The night is dark and full of terrors...

    I’ve attempted to write this post several times in the past few weeks. Every time I stopped, but the issue just keeps coming back. I just had a hard time being honest with myself, but this time, I've managed to write most of what's been bothering me. The truth is, I’ve never felt more alone in...
  3. PippoW

    Found with a team or alone?

    Hi, I am running an Affiliate Site about furniture in Germany. Actually I earn enough to pay my bills and save money. But I want to reach the slow lane. So I have to raise my profits! To raise the profit I have 3 ways: Raise the traffic Cut the costs Raise the margins The way 1 and 2 are no...