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  1. L

    Build a Fastlane Business in Africa

    Hello everyone! I’m living in a poor country of West Africa. I’m 19 and not independant yet, and notice that it’d be such a rare prowess at that age for most of us to leave the parental yoke. Actually i’m begining my 2nd year of University and feeling like i’m doing that just to have a degree...
  2. Damien Boss

    Where to find Non-Technical Co-Founders for an African Fintech Solution

    Hello everyone, I'm on my journey to launching an MVP for a product idea I had in the fintech space. I'm 100% technical, I know how to build software from servers to mobile apps, and I have several years of working experience in that area. So, as you might have guessed, I have no issue...
  3. F

    There is more, than US and EU

    Short plot; My plan was to move to US as quickly as possible, and there find need I could fulfill. As I was looking and doing my research, I found a Polish milioner who made fortune on language schools in Thailand, Laos and others second and third world countries. So I started wondering that...
  4. John P.

    Is Africa the new China?

    This year I visited Sri Lanka and noticed that there's a lot of Chinese investment going on there. Yesterday I stumbled upon a podcast about Africa being the new factory for China. Was in that moment that I realised why I saw so many Chinese investments in Sri Lanka. Everything made sense...