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wasted time

  1. OutofPoverty

    How ACTION-FAKING cost me $6,543.21, TWO YEARS and TWO MONTHS.

    It started on May 25, 2016. I remember I was finished with my high school finals and was glad it was over. Since I had nothing to do, I spent that time playing Black Ops 3 zombies ($59.97) on Der Eisendrache ($14.95). While I was playing BO3, I went to my laptop to search up different guides on...
  2. jon.a

    Any Opinions on Renatus?

    An old friend is pitching Renatus. It feels like a time and money sucker. Does anyway have first or second hand information? jon
  3. B

    Depression because of a waste of time Need your help !

    Hi guys, sry for bad english Jan (18) from Germany here. So i wasted my last 4 months of free time (Time after finishing school and university in Germany), doing basicly nothing. I wanted to learn new skills in this gap and built my business on it but i did not had any idea of how to search for...
  4. Sully1994

    My biggest life regret ( by far)

    I used to think that my biggest life regret growing up was playing video games. Even as I type this- it infuriates me to think how many countless hours were wasted drooling in front of a screen, entrenched in virtual worlds, filled with virtual guns and virtual dead and soon- to- be dead...