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  1. nmalinow

    Thoughts on luxury service? Videographer who travels with you and makes a video of your experience

    Demand: Ex. Someone wealthy wants to record a video of their own or group’s experiences when going on a trip to Chile. Idea: Hire a videographer to travel with you and capture your adventure with video/drone footage. End Product: Professional video showcasing the experience. Notes: The...
  2. M

    Finding Your Dream Clients - Youtube Pilot

    Hey guys, not sure if anyone remembers me around here. It's been awhile. Docu-series for freelancers, agency owners, and anyone in the creative biz. View: Also, a special challenge for those wanting to step up their content marketing game. Let me know if the...
  3. Dan Willis

    If you don't have your head wrapped around these foundational Entrepreneur concepts, you will fail

  4. Fox

    Fox's Travelling the World while Coding Thread

    Guys its been a while since I have been consistently posting here but time goes fast when you are grinding. As you might know I do web design but over the last few months I have been starting to travel a lot more while also learning some video editing. This will be a thread where I keep track...