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  1. Eduardo Leal

    Hi there, rookie here

    Hi! I'm in my 50's -just because I was born in 1970- but mentally, i'm still a kid. I am from Venezuela -which we managed to escape from- I lived for some time in the USA and I currently live in Madrid, Spain where I work as an English teacher. I am also a personal English teacher and I have a...
  2. xposedplus

    Can't Wait To Tell My Boss I Quit

    This might be too familiar, but this is my reality. I'm a High School Teacher in Vancover BC, Canada, and there is no single day I don't tell myself I'm done with this. I'm still under 30 and I can feel the entrepreneurial fire burning strong in my veins. Reading Millionaire's Fastlane, I was...
  3. Z

    Hello I'm new, who here can help an aspiring billionaire?

    Hey my name is zubair and I'm 17 years old. I'm from a great city called Toronto and man oh man do I want to be wealthy. My desire to be wealthy came from years of seeing my mom and dad struggle to pay the bills and they even fought sometimes about it. The real trigger for me was when my mom's...
  4. saymonx

    From Poland, helping others and worried about my own life

    Hi Everyone, My name is Szymon (it's easier to call me Simon) and I live in Poland. I will be 21 next month. My life is kinda weird, since I've been stuck with bad attitudes for quite a while. It got twisted a year ago, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. I'll try to say...
  5. Christophe

    Greetings! Life/Career coach from U.S. (and France)

    Hello everyone, I am a Life and Career coach and my focus is on startup founders. I started my business a few months ago and I am currently learning about the entrepreneurial side of coaching, which is completely new to me but I love it so far. I just started to read the Millionaire FastLane...