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  1. William Liedner

    Q2 Reflection | Questions & Exercises

    Hey Fastlaners, hope everything's fantastic! As you may know, Q2 is on the edge of its time. Which also means, half of 2019 has gone by and it's time to really focus on what's been working and not. Which is why I'd like to share the questions and exercises I've asked myself today. First off...
  2. SturdySteel

    Mediocritate Delenda Est - Mediocrity Must Be Destroyed. The Execution of a Plan to Achieve Freedom.

    I'm back! It's been a little while since my intro post, so I thought I may as well update you on what I've been doing and what I plan to do! So, in the weeks that have passed I have been reading and taking many threads on this forum, and have made a plan of sorts. Whilst I know plans never...
  3. TopDirective

    Made $10,000 But Just Starting Out (My Humble Beginnings)

    Dear Fastlaners, NB: I know you are busy and giving ~8 minutes to read someone's story may seem much. If so, skip down to Present Life if you are curious what I am working on right now. It's strange how life can turn out when you take action... A few months ago, I wrote an introductory post...
  4. VirginiaR

    Doing what I love, but not there yet...

    Hi everyone! What a privilege to be in this community! I bettered my life through self development books/courses. Living my passion as singer/business owner now. I have "free"time to learn/create, but financially I'm not where I want to be yet. Still so much to learn and to improve. Looking...