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  1. D

    Best way to host my python backend

    Hello guys, I recently developed an application with flutter for android and ios. The backend is written in python (flask) and it need to be hosted in the clouds. If I start searching the web for python hosting I get a lot of offers but do not know what's the best. I'm based in Germany and my...
  2. MexicanCreator48

    Where can I sell code online?

    I heard that many people usually sell their codes as a side-hustle on different pages. I'm currently making apps (mobile and web) using Python and I want to know where can I sell the codes that I make online in order to start a bigger business which might require more capital than a side-hustle...
  3. J

    I'm starting by learning programming and reading entrepreneurial books. Am I on the right track?

    Hello there, this is my first post. I had never been interested in entrepreneurship until I read MJ's books a couple months before, so I'm a novice. I'm working a part time job and finishing a degree, so I'm taking this slowly. I'm currently learning Python (because I had an idea for a web...
  4. I

    In need of a consultant for a mobile app development process

    SAAS / APPS 
    Hey FLF fam, I'm kicking off the new year by hitting the ground running on a Fastlane idea. I'm new to developing anything in the mobile department, so I'm asking if anyone here with experience who can help me out? I'd be willing to offer you a cut of this project (my shares) or payment...