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  1. C

    Easiest way to record a podcast with GOOD sound quality?

    So I’m a bit annoyed right now… Decided to start recording some podcast to go along with my business. Bought an external mic for my iPhone 11 and iPad 5th gen. The mic CLEARLY said in the description that it works for both iPhones and iPads. Plugged it into both and neither one would detect...
  2. T

    Podcasting CENTS?

    Seems like podcasting doesn’t fit the cents criteria - has anyone built a fast lane business around a podcast? Seems like internet companies in general/ social media influencing would violate E, right? i couldn’t find the answer when I searched but curious what the consensus is. Thanks!
  3. Black_Dragon43

    Starting The Best Marketing Podcast in The World

    Yo team, 04.19.2021 I started keeping a journal, and it's been 100% transformational for my business. It helps remind me of my goals, keeps me on track, and also gets me to commit to the things that I want to do with full awareness of the price I'll have to pay to get it. And this latter part...
  4. Not Most People

    Creating, Launching, And Growing A Podcast From Scratch In 2021

    My goal in this thread is to share my journey of creating a podcast and growing it from scratch. Hopefully, some of you can find value in it. My own selfish reasons for doing this is that I know constructive feedback, suggestions, and questions will help me improve. Starting from scratch I...