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  1. ProcessPro

    1731 business ideas to choose from (neatly categorized into 23 sections)

    Hey everyone...thought I'd share this list of 1731 business ideas in case it helps someone looking for their next fastlane idea. Click on File > Make a Copy to save a copy on your own Google Drive (or download as a spreadsheet, etc). I built this list by looking at the 23 major categories on...
  2. AlexanderFRG

    Unsure if i should ditch my business

    Hello guys! In short: I'm located in germany and started a physical products brand focused at Dachshund owners. My first product is called DorsusProtect. Dachshunds are because of their anatomy very prone to backpain, and the ingredients of DorsusProtect can avoid this medical issue in most...
  3. Paul David

    Competitor concern in a niche

    At what point would a competitor put you off entering a niche? I've been working on a particular niche for a few months now with samples back and forth but now that the time has come to place an order for products i'm reluctant to pull the trigger. There are a couple of reasons for this...
  4. SindbadtheSailor

    Anime YouTube Niche - Potentially Earn 20k$ / Month After a Year

    Hello everyone, I came up with an idea today that I won't follow on so I am sharing it with you guys. I use "TubyBuddy" Google Chrome extension that allows to research YouTube channels on the spot. Using the extension I found a good niche, with easy money in it. I am not interested in this...
  5. RulesForRebels

    How To Brainstorm Ideas of What To Sell? Or What Niche To Market To?

    **Finding Your First Product To Sell** I notice a lot of people are struggling with how to brainstorm ideas for products to sell or niches to market to. What products sell well, what are hot selling products, what should I sell, what can I sell and make 50% get the point The fact...