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  1. Royce2

    2nd Surgery, Off-work, Bills Due

    Hello everybody, The purpose of this post is to let off some steam, put my worries and frustration on digital paper and take a step back, breath in and keep going. Also, to hear some valuable advice from you guys who I'm sure were stuck in similar downtrends. My situation in life at the...
  2. Michael Greene

    What is the best way to deal with doubters ?

    Yo guys, Quick question....When you encounter doubters..and dream-killers..etc. How do you respond? I mean people that try to tell you you're goals or dreams are unrealistic. I'm not just asking for advice, i want to know how you guys deal with it personally ? Thanks
  3. Roli

    Beware The Naysayers

    Beware the naysayers; beware their negativity, beware their creeping insidious poison, for they shall be your downfall. This is a post I saw yesterday eve in a Facebook local area biz group that I'm part of: We ordered a delivery from __________. Two of the boxes broke. All the soup spilled...