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  1. Abel Xavier Roy

    Does busy entrepreneurs get time for their fitness goals?

    Hey everyone, I’m currently trying to find out how one could make the lives of busy entrepreneurs a lot easier. Which is why I have two very simple questions: 1. As a busy entrepreneur, you must be trying to stay in good shape/achieve a fitness goal. If yes, what are the two biggest issues...
  2. Jm10k

    All You Need Do Do To Feel and Look Great.

    I'll get straight to the point here guys. Before I do that let me give you a small background of how unfit I was and how long it took me to see some progress. Playing basketball all of middle school an high school days, I stopped being active and decided to join the workforce. I was told to...
  3. Greg Jeffries

    Kinobody - The Exercise Program You're Probably Looking For

    I promise I don't work for Kinobody, but I definitely recommend them. So, just like probably most people on this forum, I don't just want to make a lot of money...but I want to look great and feel great too. However, I have not aspirations to become some super bulky guy that spends hours a day...
  4. Miles Hanson

    If you want a Free health plan..

    As entrepreneurs, lack of time seems to be the biggest struggle with staying healthy and fit. Since your health is so closely correlated with the success of your business, my question to you is: Would you pay for monthly tailored health plans? Would you have paid for it while you were...
  5. Spicymemer45

    Fastlaner's Guide To GETTING HUGE! (Fast of course!)

    MAKING MONEY AND MUSCLE WORK FOR YOU Money and Muscle is without a doubt the best way to get laid but, we're here for YOU IF YOU'VE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH MAINTAINING MUSCLE AND STRENGTH THIS FORUM SOLVES IT ALL! HOW DO I BUILD MUSCLE? So, building muscle seems pretty straightforward on...