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  1. E

    Hi ! I'm 23 and trying to monetize my blog !

    Hi everyone ! I'm Charlotte, I'm French. (Sorry for the miswriting) I'm here to discuss with you about improving myself and my skills. I've got a blog (Enfance Joyeuse) where I talk about parenthood, children, babys, bonding, breastfeeding etc.. I'm gonna monetize my blog by some way. I just...
  2. E

    Make money with my blog.

    Hi everyone ! I'm Charlotte, I'm French (excuse me for the miswriting). I started a blog six months ago. Enfance Joyeuse I'm writing about parenthood, taking care of babies, pregnancy and others ! I would like to monetize my site but I'm not sure about my ideas. What do you think about a...
  3. skid2964

    Breaking out of slowlane, need to move new e-commerce site forward.

    I have been stuck in the slow lane, probably more accurately the sidewalk, for years, much debt, barely enough to cover it then I got laid off from my job in 2015. I had and still have an IT business with a few clients but my main income is now from my Real Estate photography business which I...
  4. malphax5

    What are creative ways to turn blogging into a fastlane business?

    If you amazing people were to have a blogging website where you post blogs on whatever your niche, how would you monetize it to increase your income? What are ways to turn it into a fastlane business? Give down ideas and examples below.
  5. smarty

    Best alternatives to Adsense and Facebook's Audience Network?

    I have a few magazine sites that are not so big but can earn quite well with CPC ads. The most traffic is coming from Facebook so they're not much targeted to a niche, just general news sites. I'm blocked by Adsense since a year ago and also Facebook's Audience Network just closed the doors for...