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landing page design

  1. mattn

    Getting my first launch right for my first "specialized unit" business

    Hello All! I'm starting a beverage product, and am likely a few months out from launch. The product is formulated, packaging ready, legal work almost complete, and our copacker is doing a small sample run (about a few dozen of each SKU) to ensure everything is smooth. We will be selling D2C from...
  2. Chris McCarron

    This landing page is converting like crazy and here's why

    Hi folks, a client needed my help with a complete redesign of their website. So, I got to work on a landing page and they're now getting a conversion rate of over 30% (visitors going to their contact page to request pricing). I'm very excited for them and they're now getting ready to send paid...
  3. Scot

    What is your favorite Landing Page Builder?

    I'm currently using and it's... adequate. However, I'm switching my shop over from WordPress to Shopify at the moment and looking for a better landing page builder. Here are the things I need. Intuitive drag and drop builder Customizable - not one size fits all templates...
  4. HiGHPeR

    Get a higher converting website or landing page from

    Hey everyone! We're almost into summer and its that time of the year to launch those hot summer offers! Contact me today to schedule a free consultation, and lets see how can help you improve your overall ROI or FB ROAS and simply make you more money. We've been in the...