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  1. Subsonic

    This is what hard feels like...

    Recently I experienced an epiphany in regards to challenges in life. Entrepreneurship is the hard path. We all choose to take on the more difficult journey. While in the gym it struck me that, yes it is hard and this, what I am experiencing right now is what hard feels like. I can't find...
  2. Michael Greene

    Accepting The Hard Parts?

    Hey guys, Why is that knowing you chose this path, and accepting that decision, doesn't make it any easier dealing with the hard parts? Like for me, I can understand that I chose to be in....sales for example, it was my decision and i take responsibility for it. But knowing that doesn't make...
  3. Gunther Herzog

    What do You do to assure peak performance?

    Dear Community, I am very interested in what you other fastlaners do, because I have noticed that a lot of the slowlaners have never heard of this topic. They don't do anything to enhance their performance except than to drink coffee. The Actions in my day are the following: When I get up in...