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  1. N

    I am extremely frustrated because of taxes. How can you still stay motivated??

    Hey guys, so I worked a lot in the past years and managed to generate some revenue. Its not that much, but enough that they now want thousands $ of taxes from me. It makes me extremely angry, that I have put so much work, time and energy into something (probably had an hourly rate of a few...
  2. Shubham Hire

    I'm frustrated thinking about business ideas.

    I'm a college student right now and decided to start my own business because it's my dream. Till date I haven't earned a single buck, but I have this mindset that no matter what happens I'll do business and gain financial independence. My biggest problem is that I don't have any business idea to...
  3. seomatic

    How to deal with the frustration of not moving forward?

    Hello Fastlaners, maybe it's the winter weather or my life just sucks I don't really know, but my mood went just down in the last weeks. I understand the concepts discussed in the book in theory very well and even build my own models to analyze other businesses, KPIs and so on ... However the...
  4. RazorCut

    Still Struggling to Get Started? See Nothing but Bare Walls? Don't have a Single Idea?

    I started this thread as a response to someone struggling to find a business idea and thought it might help a few more people if it was in its own space. So this is for you if you are finding it difficult to get started. If all around you you just see blank walls. If you have no draw to a...
  5. Kepler

    This is for anyone who feels lost or doubtful in their journey

    Hi ya'll I know i'm not killing it out there like some of you are, but today I realized something that really got my A$$ in motion and really pulled me out of my rut. This is to the little things, that when stacked on top of each-other build great things. So I have been doing facebook ads...
  6. Niptuck MD

    Trying to catch a f**king break

    Havent been able to get on TMFL forum much due to one thing after another; Although I am eternally grateful for @biophase and his coaching and support, I am still struggling due to not only familial events and one thing after a F*cking another; I just cant catch a break. I am reading Life...
  7. A

    The Cure for Happiness: Timeless Secrets to a Stress-Free Life

    The above screenshot is from a business owner who reached out to me after his wife had a stroke due to the stress that came along from building his business. It's my hopes that sharing my experiences and insights with you will prevent this from happening to you. The book is for free for the...