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  1. Cameron Akhtar

    Failing Forward: Nuclear Nextdoor Karen Meltdown

    This is how I accidentally started a comment war on Nextdoor with my first business failure. The Idea: My idea was to sell a discount card that would offer customers discounts at local businesses in my home town, like ice cream shops and cafes. My intention was to provide value to the customer...
  2. windchaser

    Closing my company – Post-mortem analysis so you can learn from my mistakes

    After 3 years of activity, I made the decision to shut down my company. Here goes my story, I hope you can learn from my mistakes. THE IDEA: On December 2018 I had my second and definitive FTE event (long story short, I was fired when the company where I was working decided to eliminate my...
  3. B

    Bought a crypto miner for $575 in Sept 2021. Here are the results...

    Back in September, I decided to drop nearly $600 on a crypto miner. This was before I discovered MJs books, and was fixated on the "passive income" and "acquire cash flow assets" type of stuff. Keep in mind I was entering my senior year of HS so $575 was a pretty big chunk of cash.. anyway to...
  4. A

    My first business attempt failed

    Hi guys and gals Wasn't on the forum for quite some time. I've been working on a business with a good friend of mine and we just decided to "close shop" and move on. a bit of background: (long story short) the business required cooperation from a certain industry's people. neither me nor my...
  5. Guts

    This is what happened after I knocked 75 doors. (Real Estate)

    Hey guys! I just wanted to share with you guys my first attempt at door knocking. I'm no expert at door knocking but at least I have experience now. Any tips would be HIGHLY appreciated too. If you guys have any questions as well please let me know. I'll be more than happy to answer them...
  6. Young Money

    A New Journey - Launching My New Brand Separate From Amazon, After Failing Previously with FBA

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my experiences with you all up until this point, as well as create a progress thread I can update as I start a fresh journey launching my new brand. I’ve been following the Fastlane forum for awhile now so I’m excited to finally make a post. Like many of...
  7. L

    I failed miserably but I'm enjoying it

    Hi I'm Lukas, 20 years old from Zurich, Switzerland and I failed. Writing this made me reflect all those moments once again. I've written this in one go, so forgive me, if I made some mistakes. Well at what exactly did I fail? Let me explain you. I've been going to the gym for several...
  8. Cameron Aanonsen

    How many Business Failures did you have before success?

    MODERATOR NOTE: POLL ADDED!! PLEASE VOTE!! How many business's have you all had before you found your breadwinner? My first business was a success by normal standards (200k a year +) but not by fast-lane standards.
  9. Julius Avarice

    Unfuxking my life

    Hello, Im Julius, 25. I was born into a traditional asian family in Malaysia. Get good grades, a college degree, work a white-collar job is the norm. Dumb stuff I've Done Things went wrong once I fell in love with this girl. I started to shape my life around her. Change my career path, quit my...
  10. Fab89

    Would you pursue an idea even if you don't think it's that great?

    I have an idea that does have value and I think it could make things easier for people. I'm not sure if people and other companies would like to use it as it could be awkward in other ways. There is also a lot of competition in that area of business but I'm offering a slight change that might...
  11. Koen_88

    How To #FAIL

    HI all, " How To Fail at Self Employment " I found this on a newsletter I follow for personal intrest as well as design insights. I've copied it here to get a discussion going (original link @ end of post); (warning: sarcastic information below the dotted line)...
  12. TheDillon__

    Fashion Retailer Bebe Closing All Stores.

    2017 has seen the death of three major fashion retailers so far. American Apparel and Wet Seal announced earlier this year the cessation of all business, both in physical retail locations and online. Now, fashion retailer Bebe, after 40 years in business, will be shutting the doors on all of...
  13. MJ DeMarco

    "Tell me the exact steps" (OK, here are all 67 of them.)

    We see it here all the time here at Fastlane. Someone posts a success story or a personal break through, and like clockwork, someone always asks "what exactly did you do? I mean like, tell me the EXACT steps!" How do I succeed? How do I make millions?! How do I X, Y, and Z? Well by popular...
  14. Longinus

    The Fail Thread

    Everybody on this forum failed multiple times. It sucks on that very moment, but when you look back you can see that it was necessary and you should have learned something from it. We see a lot of success stories on this forum that motivate us. Maybe we can also share the fail stories that got...
  15. RHL

    When you hit max level, you stop leveling.

    This is it guys. We're done. Hang it up. The quest is over. We've arrived. A German app is now is now paying people with a 5.00 Euro Amazon gift card... for listening to TEN HOURS of ads and TAKING SURVEYS ABOUT THEM. (I removed the link to the app, but it's called TV Smiles for anyone who...
  16. RHL

    Failing at Entrepreneurship: Guys I Wouldn't Bet On.

    I want to try and keep this post positive. But over the last couple months of working with a lot of sellers and buyers of exotic cars, I've noticed something. There are a lot of guys who get into the entrepreneurship game and it ends up being worse for them than the slow-lane. I hear about these...