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digital nomad

  1. Solipsismo

    Which path to take to become a digital nomad rapidly

    Hello everybody, My goal is to be able to travel the world and live wherever I want. I would like to build ultimately a money-tree, but before reaching that stage, I would like to focus on studying a skill that could provide me good cash, enough to live as a digital nomad, through 100% remote...
  2. ANR

    I'm buying a house 'near' major airports in the UK and installing full lockdown work/life set up.

    I'm also thinking about selling three month rental slots. Is anyone interested? My plan is to start a network of houses fit for living completely isolated if you have to for a short time. Living area, office space, rapid wifi, home gym, food delivery and garden area. These houses will be...
  3. L

    I dropped out of college and got scammed by YouTube-gurus

    Hi everyone, Lukas here. I'm a 22 year old guy from Sweden who likes to learn, discover new ideas and ways to do stuff, as well as analyze stuff and find loopholes. I also have a tendency to dabble with different projects, and I tend to regularly doubt and reconsider whatever I'm doing. Most of...
  4. RazorCut

    Aspiring to become a Digital Nomad?

    I recently watched this film that focused on several digital nomads. View: A lot of it was about the stereotypical nomad working in Asia or Eastern Europe, spending their time doing lower paid gigs to sustain them in their cheap rooms and low cost...
  5. maikooo

    Countries to live in to optimize your costs

    Hey guys, if you have experience with living a digital nomad lifestyle, what countries have you lived in (or are you living in) and you can recommend to optimize the costs? Criteria: personal and business safety (no wars, no disease outbreaks, no mafia protection fees) good infrastructure...
  6. Nikorasu

    Artists journey [Nicholas Cato]

    So this is my progress thread. I’m about more than half way through millionaire fastlane and so far I’ve learned a lot and I’m ready to get to work. I’m a freelance artist who grew tired of the freelance race to the bottom. I would see tons of talented artists working for pennies who would...
  7. VentureVoyager

    Location-independent/digital nomad lifestyle - ask me anything

    Hi, I was looking for a similiar topic on the forum and couldn't find anything. I've been living the location-independent lifestyle since December (almost 9 months now), traveled 9 countries in Asia and lived in 3 (Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia (Bali)), so if there's anything you'd like to ask...
  8. VentureVoyager

    Hello! from a location-independent self-publisher. My journey so far

    Hello! First off, I'm happy to be a part of this awesome community! I just realized I suck at introducing myself, so I will try to keep it short. Originally from Poland, born in 1990. I've been into the self-publishing business since 2014. I took it seriously from the very beginning and...
  9. Consequences

    Pinterest Expert

    Hi Everyone I joined this forum as I have friends in real life and online that frequent it. I'm a freelancer, but my goal is to become a digital nomad and my wife not needing to work. My current businesses are graphic design, but moving into more web design. My secondary business is a garden...