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  1. hexelbyte

    Is it possible to invade the United States?

    So I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine (as we were working on our SaaS project) over Discord and the topic we brought up was this: Can a country "invade" the United States (US)? With a military spending of over $778 billion, the United States spent more than the rest of the...
  2. maikooo

    Countries to live in to optimize your costs

    Hey guys, if you have experience with living a digital nomad lifestyle, what countries have you lived in (or are you living in) and you can recommend to optimize the costs? Criteria: personal and business safety (no wars, no disease outbreaks, no mafia protection fees) good infrastructure...
  3. nur_

    Best countries for "losers" (Overwhelming Majority)

    Taken from: Countries for Losers; Countries for Winners I find this interesting and would like to see what others here reply Countries for Losers; Countries for Winners We all, naturally, want to be winners. And so, consequently, a great many countries are designed to reward winners. These...