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  1. xmrrabbitx

    How do I assess market demand volume to start an API Web3 service for other businesses and startups?

    Recently, I decided to put my Web3 idea on the market, and I wanted to know the best way to assess market demand. Do I have to email these startups to know about their interests or anything else? What is the best and most efficient way to do this? I definitely want to find a statistical way...
  2. P789

    Reddit starts charging for API access, fiasco ensues...

    On Reddit, the Admins there decided that 3rd party Apps should pay according to their API Policies, prompting 3rd Party Apps to Stop their Applications that ultimately, stops their income. Reddit Admins announcing that there will be API Changes 3rd Party App Developer Was Accused on...
  3. MaxT

    Create a newsletter with Amazon Ses / MailCheat(Chimp)

    Hello, I have created my blog with pure code (no wordpress) and the interface for get the name + email of the user. My goal is to find a solution for send mail / newsletter. Do I need to save the mail adress + name on my database ? Or is it possible to send this data directly to amazon ses or...
  4. A

    Feedback wanted: A new way to consume news

    I have been working on a news aggregator platform Zaream. It basically collects news from multiple sources/platforms across the globe and labels them on the basis of source, genre, and topics. The main idea is to visualize an event (a news) happening in any part of the world from multiple...