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  1. Likwid24

    How To Go From a Scarcity To an Abundance Mindset. This changed my life.

    This is an important topic that I see, but I don't see often enough. I know I haven't been on the forum much lately, but I feel I need to post this. This was life changing for me and can be life changing for you. Most of you may know me as The Paint Brush Cover guy that was on Shark Tank. I...
  2. ChristianGDBG

    Faulty mindset

    Hello, I'm going to make an appointment with a shrink about this, though I fear shrinks have the wrong mindset to begin with and will end up telling me to get back in the slowlane.... I'm focussing day in and day out to change this mindset I have which is keeping me from succeeding. I can't...
  3. Process

    What’s The Most Decadent Service You’ve Ever Seen?

    I met a guy that is paid $50,000+ a head to train $150,000+ a yr personal chefs. The amazing part is he only specializes in luxury desserts. This just shows there is sea of money out there. What services have you seen?
  4. El Príncipe

    New Skill Unlocked: The Sight (Level 2: Business Potential)

    Since reading TMF I've been shifting attention to the needs of those around me. What are they saying? What are they communicating? What do they want? What could I help them with? How can I give them value? A lot of times it's so easy. Just complimenting somebody on their appearance. Giving them...